2001: A Space Odyssey in Utah

One persons graffiti is another persons art.
The Spiral Jetty was only visible for a short time in 1970 when it was created, and then it was submerged for 30 years.
Was it graffiti when it was submerged? It was designed to appear and reappear. That is what I really like about it.
As far as the "monolith" goes, I think it is beautiful.
Most likely a minority opinion.
Are legal mines and drill rigs, let's say above Labyrinth Canyon or Grand Gulch, acceptable as some have said? But a small illegal piece of steel that can easily be removed is unacceptable?
Our government is legally desecrating our environment right this second and very few people (as a % of the population) know about it or really care.
Yet some person inserts a piece of steel into a stone alcove in Utah and the whole world goes ape shit.
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In the eye of the beholder for sure...but if it needs a long winded artist's statement to tell me what I'm supposed to make of it, it's not art to me.
Just more junk in the same vein of the "public art" that we have been subjected to in Calgary far too often- rusty structural steel, shiny metal baubles, randomly placed slabs of rock, etc. created by an artist from New York, Berlin or Barcelona, to name a few recent example, and always with a price tag well into six figures. At least it sounds like tax dollars weren't wasted on this one.
To me, the less human impact on a landscape, the more beautiful it is. Art, drill rigs, etc. are all types of impact. I think of Cristo and his ill-fated attempt to hang huge sheets across Rifle Gap in the name of art, and it strikes me as a waste of the Earth's resources. To me, art is best as beautiful landscape paintings on one's wall, unless you can arrange windows that look out on Nature, then that's even better. Or best yet, sleeping on a cot and waking to true glory in a beautiful sunrise, like our ancestors once did (probably minus the cot, though).
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Rumors are swirling that the monolith has been removed. Anyone seen anything to confirm that?
I call B.S. I can only find one Instagram post that claims the monolith is gone, but in their video (fourth slide) it should show a triangular hole where it once stood, but it's just some wet sand.
Looks gone to me. They have a photo in the canyon without it there anymore.

Glad it is gone, although it should have been removed by authorities before it was announced to the news.

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I call B.S. I can only find one Instagram post that claims the monolith is gone, but in their video (fourth slide) it should show a triangular hole where it once stood, but it's just some wet sand.

I just spent a while scouring instagram and it does seem fishy that there aren't any decent photos of it being gone. You'd think a lot of people would've made it out there today and posted if it were indeed gone.

@Christian , is that photo from the same people with the main post about it being "stolen"? I really enjoyed the "bye bitch" rubbed into the sandstone and the pee spot, if it's true. :lol:
I think of Cristo and his ill-fated attempt to hang huge sheets across Rifle Gap in the name of art, and it strikes me as a waste of the Earth's resources.
Christo's Valley Curtain was not ill fated, nor was it an attempt. It was unfurled, and it was there for 2 days. It was not meant to be permanent.
Greg, even though I am very happy that it has been removed, I am with you on the opinion that it was a beautiful piece of art. I hope it's new owner does something good with it. I would have happily put it in my yard! :lol:

Christo did not intend for the project to be destroyed by the wind as had his previous curtain, so built it to withstand 60 mph winds. It was destroyed by the wind anyway.

Greg, even though I am very happy that it has been removed, I am with you on the opinion that it was a beautiful piece of art. I hope it's new owner does something good with it. I would have happily put it in my yard! :lol:

Build your own. A frame, some panels of stainless steel - that’s it. :)

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One persons graffiti is another persons art.
The Spiral Jetty was only visible for a short time in 1970 when it was created, and then it was submerged for 30 years.
Was it graffiti when it was submerged? It was designed to appear and reappear. That is what I really like about it.
As far as the "monolith" goes, I think it is beautiful.
Most likely a minority opinion.
Are legal mines and drill rigs, let's say above Labyrinth Canyon or Grand Gulch, acceptable as some have said? But a small illegal piece of steel that can easily be removed is unacceptable?
Our government is legally desecrating our environment right this second and very few people (as a % of the population) know about it or really care.
Yet some person inserts a piece of steel into a stone alcove in Utah and the whole world goes ape shit.
Still graffiti
One persons graffiti is another persons art.
The Spiral Jetty was only visible for a short time in 1970 when it was created, and then it was submerged for 30 years.
Was it graffiti when it was submerged? It was designed to appear and reappear. That is what I really like about it.
As far as the "monolith" goes, I think it is beautiful.
Most likely a minority opinion.
Are legal mines and drill rigs, let's say above Labyrinth Canyon or Grand Gulch, acceptable as some have said? But a small illegal piece of steel that can easily be removed is unacceptable?
Our government is legally desecrating our environment right this second and very few people (as a % of the population) know about it or really care.
Yet some person inserts a piece of steel into a stone alcove in Utah and the whole world goes ape shit.

Still graffiti. Guess you can use the same argument for graffiti in cities too. Change your saying "government is desecrating to people are desecrating". Because it's people doing it..... You got to have your newest house, car, cellphone, etc. That's an argument in deaf ears....

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