Album Wildlife

No idea what kind of snake this is, it did not want to be helped off the trail, kept striking at my long stick. I hate snakes :)

I like this kind of wildlife more :)
Man, this place is AWESOME! Thanks to each and every one of you.

@Absarokanaut ...Those are great shots! Period!


This is not such a great shot, as I haven't really figured out this cell phone picture thing, but lately I have been doing mostly running, and my Nikon doesn't tag along on those trips.

But I was out on the trail coming down the mountain at speed and almost stepped on this guy. He scooted off the trail, and posed nicely in the S-curve and hissed at me. When I was growing up we called these bullsnakes, but it was just a feisty gopher snake. I also had a small rattler on the road by my car when I reached the bottom, so it was a good day for seeing snakes.
Right?!?! Some of the smallest things about wildlife are ridiculously fascinating.
Amen brother! If we just open our eyes and pay attention. Now just take your field microscope out and see that we are just "scratching the surface"!
IMG_4624.JPG Quoth the raven and his mate live in the Moab desert. I used to live near their hangout and hiked there a lot with my dogs, and the pair started following us around, chasing the dogs for fun, sitting in juniper trees taunting them as the dogs tried to climb up to them.

They followed us on our hikes. This has been going on for over five years, and I have thousands of photos of them, as well as their young every spring. I found their rookery up in a canyon, but never went back, as I didn't want to intrude. Ravens are extremely smart and have good memories. In fact, they're smarter than me, I'm pretty sure.
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Ever since time spent in the SE as a kid, I have loved cicadas. Running around the foothills near home now in June and July I hear them all over... and this weekend at Scofield (UT), we had many encounters. Including this one. Orange is a favorite color of mine, black and orange... well...

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Why are they the best?

Beautiful fish, generally more native to the areas I've fished (at least in the watersheds below the alpine lakes I find them stocked in), beautiful fish, opportunistic feeders as opposed to preferring insects or fish so they're fun to fly fish, beautiful fish, again being native I find them to be a symbol of the west and wildness (like many states including UT), beautiful fish, they care about their lives and fight unlike some fish, and they're still really beautiful fish. Just an all around fan. :)
Beautiful fish, generally more native to the areas I've fished (at least in the watersheds below the alpine lakes I find them stocked in), beautiful fish, opportunistic feeders as opposed to preferring insects or fish so they're fun to fly fish, beautiful fish, again being native I find them to be a symbol of the west and wildness (like many states including UT), beautiful fish, they care about their lives and fight unlike some fish, and they're still really beautiful fish. Just an all around fan. :)

I don't think that you mentioned that they are beautiful fish :)

nice photo, especially if you took it while holding the fish :)

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