Album Wildflowers

I found more wildflowers on my daily hikes


Pink Globemallow


my favorite cactus - Claret Cup



Swallowtail on a Penstemon



Hummingbird aiming for the nectar

Nice photos, I like the butterfly one a lot, good color contrast and non-distracting background.
From the middle of April in the Beaver Creek Wilderness (KY)

Big fan of irises ...

... I also like phlox ...

... I also like geraniums



another iris

Fire pink

Southern Sessile Trilium

Couple flowers I found in Plumas National Forest. I am trying to learn things, so been trying to figure out the names of flowers I take photos of.

Pacific Dogwood!!

Plumas 04.20_1.jpg

Not 100% sure, but think this is Indian Rhubarb.

Plumas 04.20_15.jpg

Plumas 04.20_7_resize_56.jpg
More crocus:
There were plenty of other flower species popping up on my bike ride through the 11 sq. km of grasslands and aspen coulees at Nose Hill park in Calgary yesterday, but mostly of the low to the ground variety. Crocus ain't afraid of no wind though! It was a challenge getting a shot that wasn't blurred.
Some wild Ohio Phlox. Best time to visit them is the evening when they fill the surrounding area with "flower fragrance."

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These might be "Dame's Rocket." They are beautiful and I love seeing them where I live in Michigan, but unfortunately they're non-native invasive. Dame has 4 letters and Dame ('s) Rocket has 4 petals. Phlox has 5 letters and Phlox has 5 petals. This is my trick to remember which is which. I zoomed in on your photo and think I see only 4 petals, and Dame's Rocket looks like this with the white, light lavender, and purple flowers all mixed together.

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