Album Wildflowers

Can't compete with the Jeep Cherokees photographically, but these are from my last camping/hiking trip. :roflmao:

Castilleja chromosa (Desert Paintbrush)


Fremont's Mahonia

Physaria rectipes (Bladderpod)

Pediocactus despainii (San Rafael Cactus)

Echinocereus triglochidiatus (Claret Cup Cactus)
Can't compete with the Jeep Cherokees photographically, but these are from my last camping/hiking trip. :roflmao:

Thank you, and thanks for sharing just the same Dennis, :thumbsup: some nice details and point of view!

Eremocrinum albomarginatum, Lonely lily, or Sand Lily though that moniker is applied to another more common flower.
Great shots in here! We are relocating from Portland to Salt Lake in a few months, so all the wildflower photos are from around here - hope that is ok?

WOW! Awesome shot! And yes, totally okay! This forum was born in Utah but it is much more than that. We love anything outdoors. Keep it coming! :)
IIMG_4962.JPG IMG_4976.JPG experienced the Death Valley SuperBloom Wednesday. I will resist the urge to flood this thread. Searching for the Desert Five Spot was like hunting for the one Golden Egg. I swear I didn't stage the shot of the Gravel Ghost over the Desert Gold. I somehow saw it amongst the sea of flowers.
The Colorado Plateau (at least in Utah) is starting to pop!

Woolly Locoweed (I think?)
Escalante Spring Break Pt 1-5.jpg

Crawford Overlook-38.jpg

Indian Paintbrush
Crawford Overlook-39.jpg

Cedar Mesa-142.jpg

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