Uintas Conditions 2014

Provo River Falls running heavy…




Bald Mountain Pass:


Mirror Lake access road:


Lilly Lake:


Most of the lakes up around the pass are still holding a good deal of ice but it's starting to pull back from the shores.
Yep, all today. It grew pretty overcast and windy while I was up there.
Yep, all today. It grew pretty overcast and windy while I was up there.

Same down here. I was out doing work hikes up near Ogden and had to abandon that plan after doing 2 out of 4 hikes that I had planned to do. Nice to see the Uintas will be ready soon.
Once it starts to go it goes fast. It look like a couple of weeks are we will be good to go.
More pics to add to this groovy thread. We are getting close! these pics are from Sunday 6/1/14. The lower trailheads (shingle creek, north fork provo, etc) are definitely open, but beware the river crossings might be impassible due to run-off.

Roughly Trial Lake elevation on up is where the split board and x-country skis need to be utilized for travel.

Hayden Peak Overlook.


Trial Lake Dam.

Thanks for the pics. @Ndheiner how is the road access to trial lake dam/fisherman lot? Also would you say the lake is 25% thawed out? or more?
well that happened in a hurry......I'm assuming I'll be able to go anywhere I want in the Uintas in 25 days?
Awesome, thanks. Now I just need to find a way to sneak off from work midweek, I imagine weekend, especially free fishing day on 7th it will be pretty busy.
Anyone know what the grandview/grandaddy basin conditions are right now? Backpacking and fishing possible?
As of yesterday the only lake left holding some ice along the Mirror Lake Highway was Butterfly. However the access to either Moosehorn and Butterfly Campgrounds is probably at least a few weeks away. The road to the Mirror Lake campground looked open. The run off on the Provo has dropped quite a bit from last weekend and the water is no longer muddy.
Butterfly Lake 06/07/14

The kids and I went up to the Crystal Lake Trail head on Saturday. The above picture is of Washington Lake from the campground. The campground was still closed.

Below is as far as we got going to Long Lake. We made it around Crystal Lake before the trail was buried.
Well, it looks like I'm going to be able to fly back to Utah this week for work, so I'm planning on spending the weekend going backpacking. The Uintas are looking good...I'm hoping I can reach West Fork Blacks Fork in a rental car.

It's surprising how sad I get when I look at a map of the Rockies while sitting here in Alabama...

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