Album Trees

Death Hollow

City of Rocks, Idaho

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Picture of my daughter Emma Jo... These pictures aren't the best. I took them with my cell phone but a pretty cool tree none the less...
Death Hollow

Nice. Death Hollow really has some impressive ponderosas in the upper reaches. That was one of my earliest backpacking trips and I remember just being in total awe of them shooting up along the soaring varnished walls. I don't have many decent photos of them though. Definitely need to get back there with the big camera.


A nearby neighbor in Sand Creek.
I agree. My first desert backpacking trip in that area was Death Hollow, those huge Ponderosa Pines blew me away.
Went to the Museum of Natural History in NYC on Christmas Eve and was checking this out.

The rings were labeled in a timeline.. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic.

Trees aren't as big out here on the east coast so this caught my eye in Newport, Rhode Island this summer.

My wife in front of it for scale.

It was in the back yard of The Breakers (the Vanderbilt summer home) so it was labeled. Seems it was imported from Europe.
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Blind Hollow, Bear River Range
Blind Hollow.jpg

Same tree, different angle/day.

Can't forget Jardine Juniper that is over 1500 years old!

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