To Do in 2018

Of course it was the year I have 2 kids under 2. Seriously though, couldn't be more excited for you.

I feel ya on the kids thing. Last year was hard to even get out with my son being born. Still tricky but a bit more manageable this year.
more stuff to make me feel like a slacker (except the 5k thing ... Corporate Challenge was about a 6k ... but then I have completed a 50k a couple years ago).
It was an ok year. Made it to the black hills in January, southern Utah in april/May, then Yellowstone and the winds in July. It's unlikely I'll do any real travel until January.

Dreaming for next year already. I really want to plan a 7+ day trip somewhere. Alaska would be nice, the winds or the thorofare are also high on the list.
Pictured Rocks NLS✔ Denali NP ✔ Grand Teton NP ✔ Glacier NP ✔ Next up, Hawaii. I leave this Thursday.

There have been several extended weekend trips throughout the year as well.
Lots of bag nights cause I'm hiding way down inside it from ci-vile-ization. :help:

Other than running off a few bears in the back yard (blackies are wusses, you just bang on the side of the house), things have been slow - too much living indoors dulls the senses and I'll be heading out soon.
And lo, it was the middle of October already... how's everyone doing on these goals? :)

Wow...looking back at mine...almost everything I listed has failed to come to pass. Lot of other trips happened instead though. Most recently...4 days and 3 nights checking off a major bucket list item, the Beehive Traverse, in Capitol Reef this last weekend.
Wow...looking back at mine...almost everything I listed has failed to come to pass. Lot of other trips happened instead though. Most recently...4 days and 3 nights checking off a major bucket list item, the Beehive Traverse, in Capitol Reef this last weekend.
Yeah dude saw that. Looks SICK. Congratulations. You should prioritize that one over the rest of the backlog of TR's :)
Yeah dude saw that. Looks SICK. Congratulations. You should prioritize that one over the rest of the backlog of TR's :)

That or I'll just get in gear and start trickling out the others to catch up after all and release this one as a Christmas present to the forum...after all, the holidays are just around the corner. ;)
Well, here's the tally:

Continental Divide Trail (northbound) Done!

Major (multi-week) trips
Hayduke Trail Sections 10-14 Done!

Minor (weekend) trips
Middle Grand Gulch and/or Slickhorn/Lookout loop Done! Did Slickhorn twice, actually.
Car camp in the Wire Pass area Done!

Other Random Goals
Ski Suicide Chute in LCC Nope
Finally see a bear Nope. I think I'm cursed. I saw a mountain lion though!
Ski tour more days than I ski in bounds Done! Although that's not saying much, because I didn't ski a whole ton.
Finally summit a fourteener Done! Two, actually. Two highest peaks in the Lower 48

The back burner (stuff I'm contemplating but am not ready to commit to)
The Long Trail (Vermont)
Middle Grand Gulch (Bullet Canyon-Collins Spring Canyon)

Didn't quite achieve all my goals, but it was still a terrific year. Photos and a bunch of fun stats on my blog (with apologies for the shameless plug).
My update from July looks pretty close to my final update. I feel pretty damn awesome about what I've accomplished in 2018.
  • Westwater Canyon rafting in March (and more later in the year) NOPE.
  • Toroweap in March DONE!
  • Grand Gulch/Bullet Canyon backpacking in April NOPE, but but did something I wanted just as much in Escalante, so I'm calling it halfway DONE!
  • Gates of Lodore rafting in April DONE!
  • Mystery Canyon and other Zion canyoneering in May DONE!
  • San Juan River rafting in May DONE!
  • Upper Death Hollow backpacking in May NOPE.
  • Stillwater and Cataract Canyon rafting in July Cataract DONE in June! Didn't do Stillwater.
  • Main Salmon River rafting in July Not doing the Main anymore, but even better, I did the MIDDLE FORK in June! So DONE!!
  • Finishing the Uinta Highline Trail in August!!! Early July actually. DONE!!!
  • A week in Glen Canyon in September Cancelled in favor of trips in our new Four Wheel Camper.

Possible other backpacking to fit in the mix:
  • Parunuweap via Fat Man's NOPE.
  • Some Dirty Devil action NOPE.
  • Slickhorn and more Cedar Mesa in general Spent turkey weekend on Cedar Mesa and going back for New Years, so done! No Slickhorn though

This is shaping up to be an outstanding year. This will be a tough year to match.

Things I did that I didn't have on my list:
Finally did our PNW trip!
I'll hit 70 bag nights - a new record for me breaking the old one by 15 nights!

Who's starting the 2019 thread???
- South Guardian Angel summit, Zion NP Done.
- Getting out in the Wasatch and Uintas on the snowshoes, assuming we get some more snow. Not done. School plus the lack of snow really shot this one down.

- Capitol Reef/Dixie NF loop backpacking Done, but in May, as my first solo trip.
@Jessica and I headed out to Cedar Mesa in March though, and that was great.
- Boulder Creek/Escalante River backpacking or Death Hollow. Gotta pack in the trips down there before it's a national park. :frantic:Friends bailed on me, so it didn't happen. Replaced by my Capitol Reef/Dixie NF trip.

Got out on two trips. A solo to the Uintas and an overnighter in the Southern Winds with Jessica and two other friends. Somewhat spur of the moment trips. Glad I did them because the rest of the summer was a letdown.

- Hilgard Basin, etc. in the Lee Metcalf Wilderness (exact route TBD)
Nope. We got to the TH, headed 1/4 mile up the trail, and my buddy realized he was too out of shape and too affected by the altitude to handle the trip. This one was my biggest disappointment of the year. Probably my biggest backpacking disappointment ever, really. It was going to be my longest trip to date, in a place that's special to me where I've wanted to experience the backcountry for several years now. I kinda lost hope on the rest of the year after this.

- Teton Wilderness Not done. The weather was going to make this one pretty miserable, so we rightfully opted to cancel. But, to take advantage of the time I had taken off, I went for a solo trip to the Sawtooths, and I'm very happy I did.

And I'm sure that several more things will get added to this. A few did get added. Not nearly as many as I would have liked. I'm really looking to make up for the deficit in 2019.
Well, my year went pretty well and it looks like I was able to complete everything I had planned to do for the second half of the year, too!

- Did a lot of peak bagging, with a total of 40 new peaks this summer, including five 14ers:
- First backpacking trip into the Uintas happened:
- Finally got on the river in Labyrinth Canyon:
- Another backpacking trip on the Esplanade in November:
- Annual Christmas trip to Arches will be happening next week...

- Coyote Buttes North/South was a great weekend:
- Bears Ears in February:
- Backpacking in Chesler Park in March:
- An earlier Maze trip this year:
- Finally finished hiking the length of Grand Gulch in April:
- Dinosaur in May happened over memorial Day weekend:

Looks like all my plans have gone well this year as I've done everything I originally said I was going to do in this post from December. Now for the rest of the year...

I'll be spending the next few months in the mountains peak bagging and backpacking. Hoping to get in a couple 14ers.
Still planning our first backpacking trip into the Uintas in September
Got a river trip planned through Labyrinth Canyon
Just got a backcountry permit secured for the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in November
Annual Arches trip for Christmas


I don't usually post up in these threads, but since I already have some permits for 2018, I'll go ahead and do it this year.

In January I'm going back to Coyote Buttes North and South
In February I'm going to Cedar Mesa / Bears Ears
In March I'm backpacking into Chesler Park.
In April I'm heading back to The Maze and also going on another Grand Gulch backpacking trip.
I'm planning on spending some time in Dinosaur in May

I'm hoping to hike a couple 14ers in the Sawatch Range this summer.
Thinking about my first backpacking trip into the Uintas in September.
It was a rather nice year in the mountains. I was able to visit some new areas that were on the bucket list. Returned to some of my favorite haunts. Also spent a week on the Oregon Coast for my birthday! The only let down was how few days I got on the snow last season. I only got five days on the snow last season. I'm making up for that this year. 11 backpacking trips in the books for 2018. Not bad with a wife, two kids, and work I think that was pretty impressive for me being 45. I added a couple here, and put up my original post.

Allsop Lake- DONE!!!

Ryder Lake Solo- DONE!!

Hell Hole Lake redemption trip this summer for sure. I know where the trail is now. I was so close......:facepalm:Redemption was sweet! DONE!!!

Just the usual backpacking haunts in the Uintas including some new destinations I have not been to. For sure some family camping this year. Even have a trip to the Oregon coast on the itinerary this summer. DONE!!!
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My wife has a work thing in Stockholm, Sweden end of May/Beginning of June. I have been promised a couple of days of "exploration" by myself, still not sure what that will entail ended up kayaking for 5 days/4 nights in the Stockholm Archipelago

I'm hoping to hook up with an internet friend who used to be in Kentucky but is now in Montana. We are talking about a week in the Uinitas in the beginning of August (I plan on picking brains here for advice). Couldn't meet up in the Uintas, but a week by myself in SEKI instead

And my wife is talking about taking her and the kids to New Jersey and NYC for next xmas, I'm hoping to spend 4-5 days in the Grand Canyon by myself :) Wanted to see it for a long time, but don't want to do a "tourist" type trip and just see the rim. Plan on picking brains about that trip as well. My wife decided that she did not like her parents enough to travel to them, so they are coming to KY for xmas which means no Grand Canyon for me :(

And lots of trips in the SE by myself and with my kids and the annual family/friends car camping trip this summer. Lots of backpacking in the SE with and without kids

I'm hoping for 45 bag nights in 2008 (It is good to set goals). just got back from nights 36 and 37 so a week short of my goal

other than the Grand Canyon falling through, 2018 was not too bad :)

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