To Do in 2018

A week hiking and backpacking in Death Valley
Ten days of the same in Joshua Tree and then the Grand Canyon
A week in Vancouver
Five days in Paris, followed by a week in Bordeaux
A month in Nevada and Southern Utah
Two trips to Barcelona
A cruise down to Baja and back
Two week-long trips in the Sierra...

Can you tell I'm retired?
I always love to read other people's list so I can alter, tweak, and improve mine! :)
Since I moved to a new state and thus base of operations, I may be a bit limited on how long or how far I can go this year, but some of the ideas I have and am sure to hit:

Multi-day to Chicago Basin for some summitting.
Climb Kit Carson, Challenger, and Humboldt
Star gaze from Great Sand Dunes NP in the fall. I did Xmas at White Sands last year and it was awesome and less people.
Explore Roosevelt and Arapaho NF and Commanche Wilderness
Since RMNP is crowded as heck in the warmer months, look to explore the Mummy Range and Never Summer ranges
If we get snow this year, get in lots of snowshoeing.
If I get the time late fall, head to Utah... so far I've only been to Canyonlands.

I'd love to get a chance to do some ice climbing this winter, but just not sure I can fit it in.

Thanks to everyone for the great posts here... keep them coming so I can tweak my list!
Let's see here, I'll be heading back to western North Carolina to visit my dad in June for a couple of weeks, this usually means one or two day hikes in the Smokies.


- 1 four day trip in Yellowstone in July
- 1 four day trip in Yellowstone in August
- 1 four day trip into the Teton Wilderness in October, hopefully with @Jackson
Is anyone planning on climbing Fremont Peak?

I don't have any plans set in stone, but I did talk with some friends last week about doing a trip to Titcomb basin in July, which would include a day to summit Fremont. We are hoping to make a decision on that, or a different trip, over Christmas.
This is a wait and see kind of year for me. Baby #2 (and I hope last!), is expected in 4 weeks time. That will be most of my time this spring/summer, but hopefully still get out in the Windies come August.

I want to get many, Self-Powered Ski day trips on weekends. I went Saturday, and even with poor snow still had a great (exhausting) time.

I'm working half-time next year, so we'll see what that translates to more, or less trips with the new child.
Lots of great trips already being planned!

Last year I had two trips cancelled last minute due to circumstances beyond my control. One was a trip to the Maze, the other was a trip to the Cloud Peak Wilderness. Since I've never been to the Maze, that trip has been rescheduled to this year.

Ideally then I would spend some time in the Escalante, since I have never been there either, and then finish the Summer in Wyoming, possibly Yellowstone area.
January - I have some PTO days I have to burn. Haven't decided where I'm going yet, but playing with the idea of Grand Gulch, even though it will be COLD.

February - assuming it runs, my former river guide buddy will be doing a Salt River wilderness trip for President's Day.

March: We've got a permit for a March packrafting trip on the San Juan. We're also trying for a May lottery permit. When the trip comes, if the conditions are right, we'll switch to packrafting Muddy Creek, but otherwise the San Juan is the backup plan.

April: We have a Garden Creek canyoneering permit for the Grand Canyon. Also going to Escalante with the wife for our anniversary - most likely Coyote Gulch.

July: Bob Marshall Wilderness to packraft the Flathead River

August September: My wife and I are aiming for permits to hike the Teton Crest Trail. We're also going to try to get permits for the Tombstone Mountains in the Yukon Territory, and if we get both we'll have to choose. If we fail on both the backup plan is the Winds.

Fall: Some other packrafting trip with the same group as in the spring. Either the other part of the San Juan, or maybe the Rio Chama

Fall: Middle Fork of Deer Creek canyoneering, Grand Canyon. Most likely will also haul in a couple packrafts to run through the Tapeats Creek gorge

In addition to the big trips, I'm planning to bust my ass through the winter. I got out of shape this year, a combination of tons of packrafting during the big winter/spring last year (great fun and learning, but not as good fitness training as hiking is), and then a serious of injuries through the summer and fall: broken toe, broken rib, etc. Anyway I have spent the last couple winters canyoneering and packrafting, this winter/spring I am forgoing that to focus on bagging some AZ peaks and get in shape in the process. There's a bunch of big elevation gain hikes I've always wanted to do but always put off: Mazatzal Peak, Superstition Ridgeline, Four Peaks Motherlode. Focusing on that through the winter.

Last summer, I did a series of weekend trips where we combined a technical canyon on West Clear Creek on Day 1 with packrafting Fossil Creek on Day 2. I checked off a bunch of technical canyons as a result of this. This year I want to repeat but with a focus on the big canyons of West Fork of Oak Creek instead: Illusions, Insomnia, Voodoo, Sunburst, Little LO, etc. West Fork and Fossil Creek are not as side by side, but either way its a commute from Phoenix so a good combo to fill the summer weekends.
With no roads in or out of town we feel a bit isolated at times up here in Juneau. But this is how a typical year goes for our family (wife, 10 and 8 year old) and what we've got cooked up for 2018. I included some links that hopefully people find of interest.

Jan to mid April- Hopefully skiing with the family at our local ski area, Eaglecrest. Come on snow!!!

Mid April to May- Sooty Grouse hunting season. We hunt them on family day hikes in the mountains around town and we're doing a two night base camp hunt out of the Dan Moller Cabin.

June- Sea kayaking local waters near Juneau. Three day backpack trip between cabins at our local Pt. Bridget State Park.

Two nights backpack trip to Windfall Lake Cabin for sockeye salmon fishing.

July- Family backpack trip- Rockwall Trail Kootenay?? Or ferry up to Haines and drive into the Yukon Territories to hike in Kluane. Or just do day hikes/mini over night backpack trips in the mountains around town. Trail descriptions around Juneau-

August- Alpine deer hunting/backpacking trips in the local mountains with my son. Caribou hunt/grayling fishing trip @ Denali Highway, Clearwater Mountains, link below shows typical scenery in the Clearwaters.

Mid Oct- Early November- 10 day family trek in Nepal.

November- We typically spent Thanksgiving backpacking up to the John Muir Cabin.

Dec- If we can afford it-doubting it. Fly to Orlando. Everglades Canoe/ Disneyworld
Lord willing, it's gonna be a very different kind of year in 2018. Won't be on BCP as much, but for a really good reason!

Continental Divide Trail (northbound)

Say hello to Jessica Mills (AKA "Dixie) out there if you cross paths with her. I follow her Wanderlust channel on YouTube and have really enjoyed her PCT videos over this last year. She's going for the triple with the CDT this next year.
With no roads in or out of town we feel a bit isolated at times up here in Juneau. But this is how a typical year goes for our family (wife, 10 and 8 year old) and what we've got cooked up for 2018. I included some links that hopefully people find of interest.

Jan to mid April- Hopefully skiing with the family at our local ski area, Eaglecrest. Come on snow!!!

Mid April to May- Sooty Grouse hunting season. We hunt them on family day hikes in the mountains around town and we're doing a two night base camp hunt out of the Dan Moller Cabin.

June- Sea kayaking local waters near Juneau. Three day backpack trip between cabins at our local Pt. Bridget State Park.

Two nights backpack trip to Windfall Lake Cabin for sockeye salmon fishing.

July- Family backpack trip- Rockwall Trail Kootenay?? Or ferry up to Haines and drive into the Yukon Territories to hike in Kluane. Or just do day hikes/mini over night backpack trips in the mountains around town. Trail descriptions around Juneau-

August- Alpine deer hunting/backpacking trips in the local mountains with my son. Caribou hunt/grayling fishing trip @ Denali Highway, Clearwater Mountains, link below shows typical scenery in the Clearwaters.

Mid Oct- Early November- 10 day family trek in Nepal.

November- We typically spent Thanksgiving backpacking up to the John Muir Cabin.

Dec- If we can afford it-doubting it. Fly to Orlando. Everglades Canoe/ Disneyworld

Are you saying that a ten day trip to Nepal is 'typical' for you and your family? If so, I need to know more.
No, Nepal is not a typical trip for us. What I meant to say was that skiing at our local hill, backpack trips to Juneau area cabins, hunting trips throughout AK, and trips to other parts of Alaska/Yukon are typical things we do every year.

I can’t wait for Christmas morning, gonna book us some plane tix to Kathmandu!
No, Nepal is not a typical trip for us. What I meant to say was that skiing at our local hill, backpack trips to Juneau area cabins, hunting trips throughout AK, and trips to other parts of Alaska/Yukon are typical things we do every year.

I can’t wait for Christmas morning, gonna book us some plane tix to Kathmandu!

very exciting : )
Here's what I've got penciled in thus far...

- Return trip to Cedar Mesa, Bluff, & Valley of Gods for Balloon Festival?

- Overnight snowshoe to Lake Blanche?

- Take kids camping and exploring somewhere in deserts of Southern Utah...location TBD

- Spring Break w/ family visiting other sections of CRNP we haven't been like Cathedral Valley, Strike Valley Overlook, etc.
- Accompany UVU rec class on an off-trail route in CRNP?

- Do another off trail route along "Beehive Traverse" in CRNP (I'll probably want company for this one)
- Poison Springs - Happy Canyon?
- Elk Ridge, Dark Canyon Wilderness, Dollhouse Ruin?

- Camping and backpacking with the kids at various places TBD

- Backpack Kings Peak, Red Castle in Uintas with @Devin Ashby & friends
- Backpack Darby Canyon-Fox Creek-Teton Crest-Alaska Basin-Table Mountain-Teton Canyon (Assuming @Jackson and other company can join)

- Family trip to Yellowstone & Tetons
- Backpack Timpanogos
- Hike the Pfeifferhorn

- Hike Nebo
- Backpack Upper Parunuweap/Barracks

- Hike Cascade Mountain
- Backpack Coyote Gulch (again)
- Fall break with family to Zion & Snow Canyon?
- Camp (again) at Tabernacle Hill?

- Backpack Grand Gulch or Owl/Fish Canyon, visit Moonhouse?
- Camp at and explore West Clark Bench and/or Yant Flat
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My wife has a work thing in Stockholm, Sweden end of May/Beginning of June. I have been promised a couple of days of "exploration" by myself, still not sure what that will entail

I'm hoping to hook up with an internet friend who used to be in Kentucky but is now in Montana. We are talking about a week in the Uinitas in the beginning of August (I plan on picking brains here for advice).

And my wife is talking about taking her and the kids to New Jersey and NYC for next xmas, I'm hoping to spend 4-5 days in the Grand Canyon by myself :) Wanted to see it for a long time, but don't want to do a "tourist" type trip and just see the rim. Plan on picking brains about that trip as well.

And lots of trips in the SE by myself and with my kids and the annual family/friends car camping trip this summer.

I'm hoping for 45 bag nights in 2008 (It is good to set goals).
I had great trips planned for this year. Canyonlands and Arches in April, with a 3-day trip on the White Rim, and hiking in Chesler Park with a side trip to Hovenweep. In August I was headed to Yellowstone to backpack in the Slough Creek area and hiking in the Tetons. But now I just lost my job, so I figure I will be trapped in Wisconsin. Thus the watchword for this year is innovation, that is, finding ways to enjoy the outdoors when I can't really go travel far, and discovering the personally-undiscovered in my own back yard. I'll read everyone's trip reports with envy to make up for it.

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your job :( sounds like a year of microadventures!


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