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Finally got my first backpacking trip of the season in this year just below Mt Ogden.
That's cool @Joey.
Is that a hot spring on the 2nd picture?
BTW TR. What's about your Escalante trip? :)

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That's cool @Joey.
Is that a hot spring on the 2nd picture?
BTW TR. What's about your Escalante trip? :)
Hey @Michael ! That is a hot spring i'm standing in. Its commonly known as Mr Bubbles, and its in the Yellowstone backcountry. Pretty neat spot!

I still need to write up some trip reports from the Escalante. I got sick on my big trip after eating with you guys, and hiked out on day 5 up Boulder Creek back to the air strip. Had to take it easy for a few days after that. How was the rest of your trip?
The majestic camping hair of @neiloro from a trip we took last fall. Here he is seen demonstrating the proper deployment of headlamp as manly headband.

Now he just needs one of those new age topknot thingies all the boys are wearing.....
Hey @Michael ! That is a hot spring i'm standing in. Its commonly known as Mr Bubbles, and its in the Yellowstone backcountry. Pretty neat spot!

I still need to write up some trip reports from the Escalante. I got sick on my big trip after eating with you guys, and hiked out on day 5 up Boulder Creek back to the air strip. Had to take it easy for a few days after that. How was the rest of your trip?

In the sum great. We canceled two backpacking trips - bad weather and unknown road conditions. Had a wonderful 4 day trip from Spencer Flat Rd -> Spencer Cyn -> Escalante River -> Ladder Cyn ( out and back) -> Allen's climbers route -> pothole row -> Volcano and back.

FYI. The remains of the old Jeep trail Volcano -> Upper Sandslide are still visible. We talked about it.
A few shots of @Bob and myself on a recent 7 day backpack along Yellowstone National Park's boundary with the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.

Camping on the porch of a patrol cabin along Buffalo Creek during a rain storm.

At Hellroaring Buffalo Divide in the Absaroka's.

In Frenchy's Meadows along Slough Creek
A few shots of @Bob and myself on a recent 7 day backpack along Yellowstone National Park's boundary with the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.

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Camping on the porch of a patrol cabin along Buffalo Creek during a rain storm.

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At Hellroaring Buffalo Divide in the Absaroka's.

View attachment 44567
In Frenchy's Meadows along Slough Creek

Hey wait a minute.. If you put your bag in a tent on a porch under a roof is that still a "bag night" ????

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