Album The members of

Hey wait a minute.. If you put your bag in a tent on a porch under a roof is that still a "bag night" ????
My bag is hanging above my tent on the wall drying out. Do notice thoe how Bob took up most of the room, and left me on the outer edge of the porch closest to the food ring in case any curious bears showed up. :)
Whoa, how did i almost forgot about this one of @Bob . Definitely a classic:


And while where at it, how about some props for this guy. In his 6th decade, he is still out here doing big climbs, off trail routes, unafraid of bears and badgers, and just doing the deal. I'm proud to say I've been fortunate to walk with him. I have a ton of respect for you Bru! You're a legend in my book.





Whoa, how did i almost forgot about this one of @Bob . Definitely a classic:


Those are some pretty stylish spectacles @Bob! I like! :)
Thanks Joey, I have a great respect for your abilities and value your friendship....... It is a honor and a pleasure to hike with you..
My bag is hanging above my tent on the wall drying out. Do notice thoe how Bob took up most of the room, and left me on the outer edge of the porch closest to the food ring in case any curious bears showed up. :)
That shows the edge that experience and wisdom inherent in old age gives Bob and I over you guys.
And while where at it, how about some props for this guy. In his 6th decade, he is still out here doing big climbs, off trail routes, unafraid of bears and badgers, and just doing the deal. I'm proud to say I've been fortunate to walk with him. I have a ton of respect for you Bru! You're a legend in my book.

And I will absolutely and positively second that notion. Bru is one of my heroes. Really.
Found them on the side of the trail.........some stylish kid probably lost them running from a bear...