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A friend took me out today to Kolob Reservoir. I hobbled to a patch of nice colorful aspens

Good to see you out in spite of your injury! So what did the doc have to say?
Good to see you out in spite of your injury! So what did the doc have to say?

I have to wait until Tuesday when I see a specialist.
But I just wanted to get out for a little bit. Just sitting at home and rest and elevate the leg get's so boring after a while, especially when you're usually out somewhere every day.
I have to wait until Tuesday when I see a specialist.
But I just wanted to get out for a little bit. Just sitting at home and rest and elevate the leg get's so boring after a while, especially when you're usually out somewhere every day.
What happened?
Cycling up City Creek Canyon 3 - 4 times a week now and the leaves are beginning to cover the road in upper City Creek. That, and the air is just saturated with the smell of leaves. With the temperature in the low 60's, it was a perfect day to cycle up. I love this time of year.

Storm brewing at the top of the canyon?





a few random selfies from my Yellowstone trip


admiring the view of the Yellowstone River


crossing Sour Creek


cooling off in the Gardiner River


more cooling off when it's 94 degrees outside


at Specimen Ridge


at Little Gibbon Falls

I don't know if it's just me: But every river, creek, and lake I encounter on my hikes, I have to swim and take a selfie in that water source. Is anyone else so weird?
I'm working hard on all my images, but pretty soon there will be a lot of Yellowstone trip reports
While those of us in the northeast are experiencing very un-November warm weather our son and his family are experiencing some real winter weather up in Fairbanks.

this is our younger grandson standing in 12 inches of snow and it was still snowing. Fairbanks set a snowfall record for the day at 14.7 inches. More snow is forecast for tonight, up to 10 more inches.
I totally expected a vanity plate with "SCATMAN" in big, bold letters. :lol:

Back when I bought the Jeep (summer of 93), I was affectionally known as Mookie Pond Scum or Heff. The Scatman moniker had yet to be applied to the Pond Scum. :D Maybe it is something I should consider.

Now, on another note. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to retire (recycle) my purple Nalgene water bottle. :( It was one of two (the other one is blue) that I had originally bought a long time ago. I'm pretty attached to my Nalgenes and it will be sorely missed on future trips. This purple one is the one that careened down the chute on the north summit of Mount Olympus three weeks ago. While initially, I thought it had survived its long fall, apparently a small crack about 1/3 of the way down the bottle makes it leak. I carried it to the top of Mount Wire yesterday in my day pack and it was only about half full when I pulled it out when I got home, and all the contents in the bottom of my pack were wet.

RIP backcountry companion.

Of course that means I can bring a new bottle into my rotation. :scatman:

While those of us in the northeast are experiencing very un-November warm weather our son and his family are experiencing some real winter weather up in Fairbanks.

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this is our younger grandson standing in 12 inches of snow and it was still snowing. Fairbanks set a snowfall record for the day at 14.7 inches. More snow is forecast for tonight, up to 10 more inches.

I would love it!!! I can't wait to be in snow again soon

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