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One last shot of Scatman before he is eaten by an out of sorts (@Rockskipper description) grizz in Yellowstone later this week.

I did a search on "Do bears eat men in kilts?" and got the link to a restaurant in Bountiful where the male waiters all wear kilts and carry guns. I'm not sure what this means...but it's a fish and chips place, so I think Google is trying to say you should carry fish and chips with you for when you meet an out of sorts grizz. :frantic:

ETA: But wait! Where's your kilt?
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I did a search on "Do bears eat men in kilts?" and got the link to a restaurant in Bountiful where the male waiters all wear kilts and carry guns. I'm not sure what this means...but it's a fish and chips place, so I think Google is trying to say you should carry fish and chips with you for when you meet an out of sorts grizz. :frantic:

ETA: But wait! Where's your kilt?

I'm not sure I'm welcome in Bountiful anymore. Back when I was a younger lad (fresh off the boat from the Emerald Isle) , I used to cycle from Salt Lake to Logan every spring. It was roughly an 82 mile ride from my house to what used to be the Tony Romas in Logan. A friend(s) (yes, I've got a few), or my wife (yes, I've got one) would pick me up and we would end up at the White Owl eating Owl Burgers and drinking beer on the roof before heading back to Salt Lake. Man, were those owl burgers good. I could also bring up my Allman Brothers CD and they would play it while we ate. There is nothing like having a beer and burger while listening to Melissa or Jessica. But I digress, while riding through Bountiful along the road that goes behind (east) of Lagoon, I had someone throw a firecracker at me. Another time 3 or 4 years later along the same road but in Bountiful proper, I was waiting at a red light when a truck pulled up beside me. Unbeknownst to me, there was a bloodhound in the bed of the truck and he stretched out and barked right in my ear. Oort, Oort! (sorry, but that is my best bloodhound bark). Scared the hell out me. I chuckled about it the rest of the ride, but man did I jump out of my skin. So what exactly awaits me in Bountiful this time?

As mentioned before, you have a very keen eye @Rockskipper (Yellowstone map on wall) and I'm sure you have noticed in my picture that I have the perfect amount of marbling for an out of sorts grizzly. What a magnificent meal I would make. :twothumbs: Not only that, but I'm guessing I could be cached for at least up to three days. What do you think? Could we stretch it to four?

Attention all hikers/backpackers: If hiking through the northwest portion of Yellowstone National Park this weekend be cautious of Scat carcass and/or Scat cache. One or both will be well protected by an out of sorts grizzly.

Is there tartar sauce with the fish and chips? :)
What a magnificent meal I would make.

No, you're not supposed to BE the meal, you're supposed to BRING the meal. A lot of diff in those two words.

As for riding to Logan, that means you went over Sardine Summit. There's another hidden mesage in all this - fish and chips...sardines...tartar sauce. If you figure it out, you're a better man than I am. :)
Recently, I spend quite a bit of time in Zion.
Love my early morning outings out there.



Please do not look at my big legs - this happens when you hike 100+ miles each month
Very well done, Danger!
Thanks Artemus!

What's with the canister? Are they peak registers?
Thanks Homer! Yes the canisters are where they put the peak register books. I guess they want to make sure they can handle the wind river winters.

Hey @danger02ward, is there beer in that keg? :D

I’m afraid only silly register books. No beer.

Man, I need to find a hiking partner like @danger02ward that is willing to pack a keg up a peak for summit beers!

I’m afraid it’s a bring your own beer situstion Mike. If the canisters ever had beer in them they have been replaced with silly registry books now.
I got to join in the annual Chandler Family Glacier Trip, August Edition for the first time since 2014. Darned summer work in cool places. Here are but a few of @chandlerwest and @Jeffrey Chandler from the first two days of the week.

Almost hard to believe I'd be hiking off trail mountains with these two.


Jeff taking his first drink of unfiltered water EVER. May the giardia commence (I drank it before him.)


I got to join in the annual Chandler Family Glacier Trip, August Edition for the first time since 2014. Darned summer work in cool places. Here are but a few of @chandlerwest and @Jeffrey Chandler from the first two days of the week.

Almost hard to believe I'd be hiking off trail mountains with these two.

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Jeff taking his first drink of unfiltered water EVER. May the giardia commence (I drank it before him.)

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I got to join in the annual Chandler Family Glacier Trip, August Edition for the first time since 2014. Darned summer work in cool places. Here are but a few of @chandlerwest and @Jeffrey Chandler from the first two days of the week.

Almost hard to believe I'd be hiking off trail mountains with these two.

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Jeff taking his first drink of unfiltered water EVER. May the giardia commence (I drank it before him.)

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So great to see you three climbing together. No group photo?

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