Teton Wilderness Loop - August 6, 2022

I haven t taken Scat thru real punishing terrain yet ..... Parts of this were just a warm up .....

Hmmmm............................... Did I pass the first test? I think my knees might be shaking right now just anticipating where you will want to go next. :)
Wonderful share! Hoping to get into the Tetons before the year closes, now that I am so close to it! :)

Doing a trip in October over the Columbus Day Weekend with a couple of friends into the Teton Wilderness if you are interested. It's a base camp with a couple of day hikes trip. Also, it is weather dependent. If it is going to storm for the majority of the trip, I won't be going.
Doing a trip in October over the Columbus Day Weekend with a couple of friends into the Teton Wilderness if you are interested. It's a base camp with a couple of day hikes trip. Also, it is weather dependent. If it is going to storm for the majority of the trip, I won't be going.

October 7-10th? Keep me posted! If I am not working by then, I can probably go :)
Thanks for bringing back some great memories, from just a few weeks ago! I did a similar trip in late July. We saw that incredibly steep trail that you followed, and I wondered if that went down to Dundee Meadows. Good to know, though I'm not sure if I actually want to hike it!
That trail down from Buffalo Flat to Dundee meadow was ROUGH. Tried it last September. At the upper meadow ~9500 ft. we started seeing clean bones everywhere.. kept hiking.. started seeing complete skeletons.. kept hiking.. starting seeing fresh kills with flesh still attached. Picked our way down some really steep terrain along the creek. Was super memorable. In the AM we found fresh bear prints 20 ft from our tents.
That trail down from Buffalo Flat to Dundee meadow was ROUGH. Tried it last September. At the upper meadow ~9500 ft. we started seeing clean bones everywhere.. kept hiking.. started seeing complete skeletons.. kept hiking.. starting seeing fresh kills with flesh still attached. Picked our way down some really steep terrain along the creek. Was super memorable. In the AM we found fresh bear prints 20 ft from our tents.

Sounds like a memorable hike down, and a surprise in the morning. Thanks for sharing.
heh, heh ....... piece of cake

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