Album Snow and Winter Shots

A quick weekend trip to the Big M near Manistee, MI. In addition, for the first time ever on a backcountry trip we hauled in steaks, potatoes, garlic bread and as a unique backcountry desert we had Peggy's famous (cooked in camp) pineapple upside down cake!
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My son and I left Malad at 4:00 am in a snowstorm so we could beat the crowds at Goldbug hot springs near Salmon Idaho. We drove around 600 miles round trip just to hike three miles and soak for a few hours. We packed our snow shoes with the hopes of shoeing up to the springs but found to little snow to make it happen. On the up side we did have the hot spring all to ourselves for the three hours...


Nice! Did you start butt-early so you could walk on top of the snow?
We started at 7am. Snow was soft but not to terrible on the way up but as you can guess very slushy on the way down. Made glissading on a garbage bag very difficult.
Got a chance to snowshoe up to the Highland Mountain lookout this past weekend. In summer, this is an easy 1.5 mile hike with the option to summit Red Mountain just south of the lookout. In winter, as we found this weekend, this becomes a much more difficult 9 mile snowshoe with extreme wind and cold. You will see from my pics that the wind has blown most of the snow off the open face of the mountain. We did not attempt the summit as the wind had made for very icy conditions and neither of us had crampons or an ice axe. Making it to the Lookout was reward enough for one day. Enjoy!

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On 4/5/17 I got to snowshoe up to good ole Ben Lomond. Always love the view of the Wasatch Mountains from the top of Ben Lomond. IMG_0660.JPG

Willard Peak from Ben Lomond.
Shot of Ben Lomond from near the top.
Lovely cornice near the top of Ben Lomond with beautiful Willard Peak in the background.
On Saturday 4/22/17 I had the pleasure of climbing Pfeifferhorn for the first time and taking in the lovely views from the peak.
Looking back at the knife edge ridge and the beautiful Pfeifferhorn.
View of Pfeifferhorn from Maybird Gulch.
Hiking in this was the first glimpse of the beautiful Pfeifferhorn.
On Saturday 5/14/17 I had the pleasure of of summiting Deseret Peak in the Stansbury Mountains west of Tooele via the Twin Coulairs for the first time.

View of Deseret Peak
View of the Twin Coulairs
Just below the Twin Coulairs
Looking up the West Twin Coulair. We climbed up the East Twin and glissaded down the West Twin so neither felt left out.

View from the top of the West Twin Coulair before a very fun glissade.
View from Deseret Peak looking back on the ridgeline we came up.

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