Album Rock Art and Ruins

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Kelsey shows how to get to weaver caves in his latest "non-technical" Colorado Plateau guidebook, I don't remember that being there earlier, ugh.
We stopped yesterday and asked a guy if everything was ok, he was parked on a dirt road and he was standing next to his truck. He said he was confused about, where he hiked last year up to a rim where he saw lots of cool rock formations on the Paria plateau. Long story short, he followed us to the TH and then he asked if he could join us, so we hiked for some miles together. It turned out we were going to where he had been last year. Very interesting guy, who also pointed out several pictographs to us, here is one of them, (zoom in):
One of my main goals for the weekend was to try and find a large white pictograph panel that I had found a few photos of from the 1930’s in a Peabody Museum collection. I had never seen any photos of this panel before and though it would be pretty cool to find. There was very little information about the location in the captions of the photos, but I thought there might be just enough for me to find it, and I’m happy to report that I did!

White Ghosts Panel
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Top Row
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Left Side Pictographs
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
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One of my main goals for the weekend was to try and find a large white pictograph panel that I had found a few photos of from the 1930’s in a Peabody Museum collection. I had never seen any photos of this panel before and though it would be pretty cool to find. There was very little information about the location in the captions of the photos, but I thought there might be just enough for me to find it, and I’m happy to report that I did!

White Ghosts Panel
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Top Row
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Left Side Pictographs
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
Nice work! What an impressive find.

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