Album Rock Art and Ruins


One day I'll get through Deso to check this one out!


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Up close you could see several images that resemble the "faces" panels in the needles. The torch holder seems to have been added later.
This is a screen shot of a zoomed in photo of Green Mask. The photo was taken right before my camera, or SD card, or lens died. I made the mistake of bringing my "beat up" D3000 instead of my good A6000. Also no tripod...just had to brace and hold my breath very well.

Anyhoo now that my errors have been disclosed, I wanted to show what I found. I modified the background, that's it. The Sun was reflecting into the alcove that day which made the rock art harder to see. You'll see from the photo that there are green splotches of pigment (paint) in the vicinity of the rock art. I find this very interesting in that the mundane part of process yields the spectacular result and yet is still pristine from a time long ago. My artist friends here in Santa Fe are guffawing over this and want to paint the painting. I find that entirely appropriate..green_mask_enlarged2.jpg

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