Album Rock Art and Ruins

on my road trip to Tucson last weekend I stopped at Wupatki National Monument and visited the Pueblo ruins


Entry Way


The detail on it is really amazing. A lot of the panel has pretty good detail, really, but this one's especially good.
Some from Hovenweep last weekend. It is crazy how different the structures here are compared to those of Bears Ears and Canyonlands despite the relative proximity.

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Then there is the building on boulders. Why do that!?!?

Then there was this shot, which I find really powerful. It really speaks to why I think the "smallest area possible" is a lame excuse to delist Bears Ears. Hovenweep is tiny and within its boundaries are the ruins of structures being reclaimed by the desert, who is to say how many are not in the monument and not protected because they aren't grand enough to have been included in its borders? Should native history be protected even if it has been weathered by the ages? My opinion is yes, but that is me.

I went to Mesa Verde this past set of days off. As much as I dislike the touristy aspect of the place, the dwellings truly are out of this world.

Long House
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Balcony House (with the namesake right there)
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And Cliff Palace, one of, if not the, largest cliff dwellings in the western hemisphere (quoted from a ranger.)
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