Album Rock Art and Ruins

Please share the details on this picture (camera, f, time etc). It's an amazing shot. I have a friend who owns a camera store and took a very similar picture. It was with a film camera but he said it was one of the most difficult he'd ever taken. He was very proud of it. He said he waited over an hour for the light to be perfect.

This was taken with my Canon 6D. It was actually a very simple exposure to make....there was enough light bouncing around the kiva that made it easy. Aperture was f11, exposure 0.6 seconds, ISO 100. On a tripod, of course.
This photo was years in the making. I first saw a similar photo in a book, but it wasn't until last week that I finally figured out the location, using Google Earth to match up ground features with the photo.

Great shot and a super interesting 'glyph Dennis. Congrats on nailing it! You guys never cease to amaze me with your geosleuthing ability.


nice mixed panel close to the Snake panel. We only fund it because I lost my lens cap close to it the day before and we found both the next morning

Very cool! I think that is the panel we were looking for when we found the snake - but we never did find this one and I didn't even look for it again when I was there a couple weeks ago.

Very cool! I think that is the panel we were looking for when we found the snake - but we never did find this one and I didn't even look for it again when I was there a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, and I thought we searched the area pretty thoroughly, too!
Very cool! I think that is the panel we were looking for when we found the snake - but we never did find this one and I didn't even look for it again when I was there a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, and I thought we searched the area pretty thoroughly, too!

Ah memories, I recall looking for smoother more "likely" surfaces than that, while trying to keep up with you two on the hunt, could almost taste it. Next time!
Cool, very similar to the rock art of the southwest.
...paintings, faded and partly destroyed


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