Outdoors News Stories

Interesting article: http://unofficialnetworks.com/2015/02/skier-sues-friend-following-ski-accident

Teton Village, WY- After a skier broke his femur in the Paint Brush area at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, 27-year-old Chad Bradley is pursuing legal action against his friend and Teton County resident Ted “Shred” Powell. The lawsuit claims Ted Powell exercised “overt negligence considering the degree of Chad Bradley’s skiing experience.”
According to Mr. Bradley’s lawyer, a Denver based attorney, “we see this type of thing all the time. A novice from Colorado goes up to Wyoming to ski with a friend. The friend tells him there is nothing wrong with his skiing ability. In actuality, he knows that his friend grew up in Alabama and sucks at skiing.”
Although Mr. Bradley declined to comment on the ongoing lawsuit against his friend Mr. Powell, Ted Powell was reached for comment at the Hostel X, speaking somberly while sipping a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
“I feel bad for Chad. He busted up his leg up pretty good but It’s like ‘hey dude, I didn’t make you follow me over here but you did. So hop over those rocks and arc some GS turns before the groomer’.” All the while Powell gestured using a flat hand moving side to side to mimic the maneuvers Chad should have executed that day. The attorney later replied to these comments saying:
“Ted had no right taking my client into that area, it’s well known that Chad is a double blue square skier at best. Frankly, Chad was way out of his element.”
The run is marked as a double black diamond.
When asked about negligence, Mr. Powell responded, “NEGLIGENCE!? He asked me to show him around on a POW day… A POW DAY! And if it were anybody else I would have ditched him, lapped the Tram, and maybe shredded a few Rock Springs laps. Instead, I put on my nice guy hat and took him to do a mellow Paintbrush.”
According to eyewitness accounts, Mr. Bradley was standing on top of the prominent cliff section, when he removed his University of Alabama beanie and realized his goggles had fogged and frozen while dangling around his perspiring neck. After putting on his goggles, his vision seemed to be impaired by 98% but his face showed resolve. Giving his buddy Ted a closed fist “pound,” Mr. Bradley turned and asked Ted to take some “footy.” With the camera on, Mr. Bradley turned his tips downhill, immediately lost control, and was unable to self-arrest. On the way down, Mr. Bradley hit rocks, ice, and moguls until he came to a stop on Upper Amphitheater. Reports indicate that Mr. Powell was laughing loudly until Mr. Bradley’s slide came to an end.
“The first thing I thought was ‘man what a good digger’.” said Mr. Powell “but then I realized he wasn’t moving and I could hear him screaming in agony.”
Ski Patrollers were the first on the scene besides Powell.
After stabilizing his leg, the patrollers lifted him into a sled, when Chad said “see you at the clinic buddy” to which Ted responded, “Well I just got a text from Joe and we’re going do a quick Four Pines… I’ll see you at the Moose.”
The lawsuit is ongoing and seeks to reimburse the victim for all medical charges as well as compensate Mr. Bradley for defamation of character. The defamation allegedly occurred after the fact at the Mangy Moose Saloon, where Ted publicly stated that Chad hurt himself “by tomahawking through some pretty easy shit.”
A court date is yet to be set.
Give me a break......the guy coulda backed out
What a joke...
I agree, sounds like he's just pissed at his buddy for making fun of him...

A buddy and I skied paintbursh once, if I remember right, and it's pretty damn steep! It was icy, rocky, narrow, and steep. I think we ended up sliding sideways down the run, never really making any turns. I was probably around 14 and it was pretty scary and we never went back.
Are you guys sure this is a real story? Sounds so ridiculous I feel like it's got to be fake. Especially the defamation of character part lol.
Are you guys sure this is a real story? Sounds so ridiculous I feel like it's got to be fake. Especially the defamation of character part lol.
Yeah I was thinking it might be fake. Especially with the shot it takes at Colorado.

I get a kick out of this line though:
The defamation allegedly occurred after the fact at the Mangy Moose Saloon, where Ted publicly stated that Chad hurt himself “by tomahawking through some pretty easy shit.”
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'd love to be on that jury. But the down side would be another party at the MM.
Mt. Rainier National Park Halts Wonderland Trail Reservations


Tough news for procrastinators: all of the coveted backpacking permits for the Wonderland Trail in Mount Rainier National Park have been spoken for. Park officials announced Friday that have had to stop accepting reservations for the 93-mile trail due to a record number of requests. These permits include both the full circuit and other large portions of the trail. The number of Wonderland Trail permit requests has been skyrocketing over the past few years. According to park records, reservations averaged around 800 per season prior to 2013. In 2013, that number jumped to 1,400. This season, about 2,600 requests had been received as of March 31st. This does not mean that all hope is lost for backpacking on the trail this summer, though. Park officials say that the park holds about 30 percent of backountry space to first come, first served permits (also known as walk-up permits). Hikers can gain “day of hike” access with this permit, or even secure a spot one day in advance of their hike. Officials also say that a great way to enjoy the trail is to hike it in smaller segments, which improves the chance of obtaining a reservation.
Before the wolf story:


With respect. I like parks being overused, keeps more people from other magnificent places. Actually I kid with that but hate the no fee days as I see them as a let's give crowd all the peasants together on a "special" day on lands they already share ownership of and make them think we're doing them a favor. I think we should fully fund parks with taxes; less than 6% of NPS budgets come from entry fees and IMO [sorry for those that have heard this from me before ] the $25 entry fee to GTNP/YNP is a hard choice for a local low income family when that could represent a day if not two's groceries. There is no "benefit of all" if one parent has to choose between parks and breakfast for their child. Some Parks need to be regulated and visitation controlled; but doing it as we do is not something I stomach well at all. We could replace the revenue from existing fees for two years for the cost of a single F22 Raptor. I see that extant priority as a national disgrace.

That jab at Colorado makes me suspicious too Joey. There is however more Tide here than from anywhere else in the Saturday Evening Convicts League.

OK, thanks for the indulgence. LARGEST WOLF PACK IN 48 STATES 30 MILES NE OF JACKSON, WY.


I believe the Gros Ventre is also home to the world's largest elk herd. I have hiked Lava Mountain. It is BRUTAL. It's a mountain that can't decide if it should be in the Wind Rivers, Absaroka, or Gros Ventre/Leidy Highlands. It is however snowmobiled in a decent snow year. Pretty darn cool tarn amidst the rock pile.
Enormous magma reservoir found under Yellowstone
There's enough magma bubbling in the massive "supervolcano" under Yellowstone National Park to fill the Grand Canyon more than 11 times, scientists reported in a study this week.

"For the first time, we have imaged the continuous volcanic plumbing system under Yellowstone," said study lead author Hsin-Hua Huang of the University of Utah.
More debate erupting over grazing management between BLM and ranchers in GSENM.


One of the ranchers quoted in the article is Hal Hamblin. I have to assume that's a relative of Jacob Hamblin for which the great arch in Coyote Gulch is named after. The ranchers may have a point. They were there long before the BLM was and can make a solid argument that they know the land better and with their livelihood dependent on the good health of it, they have good reason to be good stewards over it as much as we expect the BLM to be.

On the other hand, none of us want to see another cow get stuck in a slot.
The argument that they've been there longer therefore they know better how to treat it right is a complete joke, IMO. It's their livelihood, so yes, they know how to run cows on it and stay profitable. That does not even come close to equating to overall land management with all users and the ecosystem's general health in mind. What matters if your running cows? Something to eat and something to drink. That's it. And long before that arch was called Jacob Hamblin, it was called Lobo for the coyotes who were there long before the Hamblins. That's it. I'm not calling it Hamblin Arch ever again. Long live Lobo Arch.
I don't know who knows best how to restore and heal the landscape, but I side with the BLM when it comes to preserving and protecting the recreational treasure that GSENM is.
I'm a big fan of science knowing what's best. I'd like to assume a land manager with an education on managing that land is taking more into account than just the quickest, cheapest, easiest way to feed a cow. I don't doubt the ranchers know lots of cool tricks and ways to do that, but that's just one piece of the pie. It's interesting in that article that they all agree the forage sucks for cows worse than ever. But the idea that we need to be out there doing things to change the land to make it more cow-friendly is just ludicrous. It's just not a good place for cows to begin with. Why start setting it all on fire (literally!) just to stimulate short term grass growth to feed a cow who should never really be there in the first place.? Sorry, this gets me going. We maybe should move these posts to the grazing thread to keep it all together.
I didn't know or forgot there was a separate grazing thread too. I agree that that landscape is not very hospitable to cows, as proven with the recent slot disaster. I have to think the cows would be happier in another place where erosion and limited vegetation isn't as much of a concern.
I really thought the landscape in Kodachrome State Park was greatly improved by the addition of cattle. Just think if we let Utah take control we could have cattle around all our favorite locations.

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