Outdoors News Stories

Death Valley is aptly named. Heat is way more dangerous than cold...unless you fall in cold water.

Yep. I used to prefer heat over cold when I was young, but then my dad made a lot of sense when he would say, "you can always put on extra layers for the cold, but you can only take off so much when it's hot."

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From the NPS Morning Report:

On July 3rd, a 33–year-old Clovis, California, man hiked from Florence Lake into the northern part of Kings Canyon National Park with the intent to climb Mt. Goddard. He was expected to return to his vehicle on July 7th, but by July 9th had not returned home. Joint search operations were begun on July 9th with Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.

On July 10th, search operations intensified, with six NPS hasty teams, the parks’ contract Type 3 helicopter, Yosemite NP’s Type 2 helicopter, and an NPS liaison assigned to Fresno County.

Searchers reached the summit of Mount Goddard (elevation 13,558) and the peak register was found to have an entry left by the missing man on July 5th. On the evening of July 10th, the final team insertion took place around sunset near Davis Lake (elevation of 11,058), about two miles north of Mt. Goddard.

As the helicopter was on final approach to the landing zone, the man was seen lying on the ground approximately fifty yards away. The search team contacted him and found he had significant trauma to his lower extremities. He said that he had been injured five days earlier while descending Mt. Goddard, had run out of food, and ultimately crawled toward Davis Lake.

As sunset approached, potentially grounding the helicopter, the man was rapidly bandaged and carried to the helicopter by hand. He was flown back to the park helibase, where he was transferred to a Life Flight helicopter for transport to a local hospital.

I'm impressed. That would be tough.
Yep. I used to prefer heat over cold when I was young, but then my dad made a lot of sense when he would say, "you can always put on extra layers for the cold, but you can only take off so much when it's hot."

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I am always saying this when asked why I like the winter more... I also tell them that there are usually less people on the roads and that the potholes are filled in too.
Here's the biggie around here right now:


2 people killed by lightning in 2 days at Rocky Mountain National Park.

Lightning safety tips: http://www.rmnp.com/RMNP-Planning-Lightning.HTML (excerpts below)

"Follow the summer-in-the-mountain rule: "Up high by noon, down low by two" to avoid the afternoon thunderstorms that generally occur between 2 and 6 P.M."

"Avoid proximity to other people in your group. Put at least 15 feet between individuals. Should one be chosen, then the others can act as rescuers!"

From the NPS Morning Report:

On July 3rd, a 33–year-old Clovis, California, man hiked from Florence Lake into the northern part of Kings Canyon National Park with the intent to climb Mt. Goddard. He was expected to return to his vehicle on July 7th, but by July 9th had not returned home. Joint search operations were begun on July 9th with Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.

On July 10th, search operations intensified, with six NPS hasty teams, the parks’ contract Type 3 helicopter, Yosemite NP’s Type 2 helicopter, and an NPS liaison assigned to Fresno County.

Searchers reached the summit of Mount Goddard (elevation 13,558) and the peak register was found to have an entry left by the missing man on July 5th. On the evening of July 10th, the final team insertion took place around sunset near Davis Lake (elevation of 11,058), about two miles north of Mt. Goddard.

As the helicopter was on final approach to the landing zone, the man was seen lying on the ground approximately fifty yards away. The search team contacted him and found he had significant trauma to his lower extremities. He said that he had been injured five days earlier while descending Mt. Goddard, had run out of food, and ultimately crawled toward Davis Lake.

As sunset approached, potentially grounding the helicopter, the man was rapidly bandaged and carried to the helicopter by hand. He was flown back to the park helibase, where he was transferred to a Life Flight helicopter for transport to a local hospital.

I'm impressed. That would be tough.

More on this:


I think there is a gap in your 20's when you are focused on your education and starting a family and career where luxuries like backpacking kind of take a back seat. I know that happened with me. I backpacked tons as a teenager. Pretty much stopped for about 7-8 years, and at the age of 31 just started to get back into it. I wouldn't doubt it if others follow the same trend.
whoops, Nick beat me to it!

I'm amazed when Stan and I are not the OLDEST backpackers around. I don't think that guy has heard of Backcountrypost!

Proof That Hiking Makes You Happier And Healthier
The Huffington Post | By Abigail Wise
Posted: 07/18/2014 8:21 am EDT | Updated: 07/21/2014 6:59 am EDT

John Muir was onto something when he said, "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." Hikers battle bug bites, blisters and bruises for the sake of overcoming a challenge and enjoying some quality time with nature. But along with the snow-capped mountain tops and ocean views come an abundance of mental and physical perks.

Here's what hikers can teach the rest of us about leading a happier, healthier life.

Hikers are creative.
Forget the caffeine. Those looking for a brainpower boost need not look further than the closest trail. Research shows that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50 percent. The authors of the study also point out that the results may have as much to do with unplugging from technology as they do spending time outside. "This is a way of showing that interacting with nature has real, measurable benefits to creative problem-solving," David Strayer, co-author of the study, tells the Wilderness Society.

Plus, it's not only the lack of technology and surplus of trees, sunshine and fresh air that contribute to this creativity boost in trail blazers. Researchers from Stanford University's Graduate School of Education found that walking gets the creative juices flowing far more than sitting.

Hikers are seriously fit.

Hitting the trail works out your body as much as it does your brain. Just one hour of trekking can burn well over 500 calories, depending on the level of incline and the weight of the pack you're carrying. Hiking is a great way to get a serious workout without putting too much pressure on your joints. "Trails are often softer on joints than asphalt or concrete," Caroline Stedman, a seasonal Park Ranger at northern Wisconsin's Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, tells The Huffington Post. "So I find myself feeling less stiff and creaky after a hike than a jog down a sidewalk."

If you head for the hills, weight loss results are even better. Not only are you burning some serious calories, but altitude itself has also proven a weight loss ally.

Plus, tramping through the trails on a regular basis decreases blood pressure and cholesterol. Logging cardio in the form of hiking can lower blood pressure by four to 10 points, and reduce the danger of heart disease, diabetes and strokes for those at high-risk. And don't lose heart if you're not out of breath on the way back. Both the ups and downs have benefits when it comes to lowering cholesterol, but hiking downhill is two times more effective at removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance.

Hiking heals.
Some research suggests that the physical benefits of hiking extend far beyond cardiovascular health, and may even go as far as to help cancer patients recover. In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine researchers measured oxidative stress (thought to play a role in the onset, progression and recurrence of cancer) rates of women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer before and after hiking. The study found that long distance hiking trips may improve the antioxidative capacity, which helps fight off disease, in the blood of oncological patients. Another study showed that breast cancer survivors who exercised regularly -- many in the form of hiking -- believed that physical activity complemented their recovery from cancer treatment.

Hikers are happier.

Research shows that using hiking as an additional therapy can help people with severe depression feel less hopeless, depressed and suicidal. It may even inspire those suffering from it to lead a more active lifestyle.

For those who don't suffer from depression, hiking still offers mental benefits. "Being out in nature, away from the business of our daily lives and technology, can allow people to connect with themselves and nature in a way that brings about peace and a sense of well-being," Leigh Jackson-Magennis, REI Outdoor Programs and Outreach New England Market Manager, tells The Huffington Post.

Interested in taking up the sport yourself?
So you're ready to hear the crunch of leaves under your feet and see the world from above. Luckily, it's easier to start hiking than you may think. We talked to the experts to find the best tips for beginner hikers:
Start small. Stepping over tree roots and maneuvering around rocks on a trail can be more tiring that you might imagine, says Stedman. Start out with a few miles at a time and gradually build up to longer treks. "It's also important to start practicing with a pack of some sort," she tells The Huffington Post. "People often underestimate how heavy a backpack might feel until they try hiking 10 miles or so with it."

Prepare for the worst. Hopefully you won't need to use that first aid kit or emergency shelter, but it never hurts to be prepared. Stedman recommends carrying extra water, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray and at least a small first aid kit, even on shorter hikes.

Overestimate your trail time. Hiking can be a slower process than newbies realize. That's why Jackson-Magennis suggests erring on the longer side when estimating how long it'll take to complete a trek. As a general rule of thumb -- keeping in mind that time is based off of physical fitness and elevation -- you can expect to cover about two miles an hour. Then, add an additional hour of extra time for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain.

Don't ignore your own backyard. You don't have to live in the mountains of Colorado to enjoy some quality trail time. Cities, counties and states all have parks or natural areas to get started hiking, says Stedman. Even very urban areas, like New York City or Washington D.C., have green spaces great for shorter hikes.

Use the buddy system. Two brains are better than one, so partner up and hike with someone who knows the trail or the area well. "It's also important to tell someone where you are going and when you are expected home," Jackson-Magennis tells The Huffington Post.
Be afraid of cows, too, I guess:


VIENNA – Police say a herd of cows attacked and killed a German woman hiking through their fenced-in pasture after apparently being riled by the sight of her leashed dog.

They said Tuesday the 45-year old victim was rushed by about 20 cows and their calves. Attempts by an emergency crew to revive her were unsuccessful.

The attack occurred Monday on a mountain pasture in Austria's Tyrol province. The woman's name was not released, in accordance with Austrian confidentiality rules.
But seriously, it does seem like not that many younger people are getting into it. But by young I mean college age and early 20's. Seems like I see plenty of 30-somethings out on the trail.

I call NO WAY (I hope). We need an age poll Mr. Admin !
Interesting story. A little too long to post in its entirety here, I guess.


The inevitable has happened in the 32-year-old Alaska Mountain Wilderness Classic, and 44-year-old Rob Kehrer is dead.

A 10-year veteran of what some consider the toughest wilderness challenge in the world, Kehrer died in the Tana River of Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve on Saturday after apparently launching his packraft a little too soon at the end of the lower river canyon.

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