Noobs: Introduce Yourself!

Hi All, I'm Julia. My husband and I love hiking and backpacking - we spend most of our vacation time on the trail. Can't wait to kick off spring with an overnight trip in the Catskills - we have serious cabin fever and snow fatigue here in the Big Apple! I also enjoy landscape and travel photography. I'm looking forward to sharing my best photo work with you.

Nick, thanks so much for your wonderful photos and creating this amazing web community.
Just checking in from Moab. I am recovering from having 2 kids in 2 years and am hoping to hit the backcountry again soon: solo, with friends, and sometimes with the kids in tow. My backcountry loves are hiking and backpacking. I've been known to canyoneer, but that is a lot trickier with a 1 and 3-year-old.
Hey All,
This is Jeremy Fineran. I live in northwestern colorado and spend my summers in the backcountry lakes in white river national forest fly fishing. Do a lot of solo trips, some small group trips, and this summer get to take my daughter on her first outing!!! She has a brand new pack santa brought her and she is excited! Now if the snow would just melt... Anyways, seen it a few times here already, amazing site and wish I had found it sooner! Looking forward to drooling over the trail guides and possibly adding a few of my own! So nice to meet and cheers!
Found this site while looking for some new gear, going to Yellowstone this summer, planning Grand Canyon trip with my daughter, and wanted new boots and pack for the trips. I do a lot of short hikes solo, occasional longer hikes with friends and family.
Hello all. Enjoying the great photos and variety of interests displayed on this site. I think what I like best about your aprt of the world is the three-dimensional challenge. Add that to the awesome scenery and fascinating ancient Puebloan culture. I guess for a guy from the farthest eastern edge I know the wedge north of the San Juan, east or south of the Colorado and west of 191 pretty well or at least have done a lot of exploring in that area and love it. I've done a few trips to the Sierra and the PNW, Know some trails on Oahu and Maui in Hawaii, hiked a little in Mexico, a little "over the pond" , and of course know the NC mountains pretty well and natch can help with questions re: the Outer Banks of NC.
Hey, everybody! I've been reading about different trips and stuff on this site for a while and thought it was about time I signed up! I'm in the Wasatch area and love hiking, camping, backpacking, and fishing. I'm originally from Vegas so I don't know too many good hikes in the area--glad I found this forum! Me and friend are planning to do a short weekend backpacking trip in a few weeks to start off the season. Any good suggestions for an overnighter in the Wasatch area? We'd like to keep it relaxed and just enjoy our first outing. Anything close to good fishing is always a bonus. Thanks for any ideas! :)
Hey, everybody! I've been reading about different trips and stuff on this site for a while and thought it was about time I signed up! I'm in the Wasatch area and love hiking, camping, backpacking, and fishing. I'm originally from Vegas so I don't know too many good hikes in the area--glad I found this forum! Me and friend are planning to do a short weekend backpacking trip in a few weeks to start off the season. Any good suggestions for an overnighter in the Wasatch area? We'd like to keep it relaxed and just enjoy our first outing. Anything close to good fishing is always a bonus. Thanks for any ideas! :)

Welcome, Brett! Most hikes near the wasatch, especially with fishing will still be pretty snow-bound in mid-April. Thought about heading south a few hours?
Welcome, Brett! Most hikes near the wasatch, especially with fishing will still be pretty snow-bound in mid-April. Thought about heading south a few hours?

I didn't realize the snow would stick around so long. Shows you how much you learn about snow growing up in Southern Nevada. I guess we'll have to do some more thinking, and maybe consider a trip south. Thanks!
Ned McArthur - live Pleasant Grove UT.
The great thing about living here is I can be
on a trail in 5 minutes.

Stumbled upon the forum while researching
a trip for this summer in the Unitas.

I'm wanting to do a loop Ruth lake -> Jewel -> Teal -> Whiskey Island
-> Fish -> Teal -> Cutthroat -> Lofty -> Kamas -> Scout -> Hayden -> Ruth

Anyone with knowledge if this is possible I'd appreciate it
Howdy DrNed. Welcome to backcountrypost!

That loop would be quite doable although I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort to go all the way up to Whiskey Island. It's alright but no fish and there are a ton of big boulder fields on the approach that can be tedious. I'd suggest starting a thread on the subject in the Trip Planning forum. I certainly have some info to share and perhaps others might have some info on cutting the ridge to fish a little further south.
Hello everyone. New around here... Nice site btw :)

From Southern California, and pretty much live at the beach or in the mountains. Got a couple+ kids and Don't travel enough, fly fish more than I breathe, and go to work to pay off all my vices.
hey errybody. friends have been pestering me to join. was to be on the bcp spring adventure, but now see that is cancelled. boo. i'll be lurking. i am will. i am here.
Just introducing myself. Love the website and can't wait keep using it. Awesome posts, Nick.
Hey everyone! I'm originally from Northern Utah west of Logan! I'm currently a student at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. Discovered this website yesterday and have been reading trip stories all day today! Can't wait to read more especially ones about slot canyons here in this beautiful state! Just finished a trip to the Robbers Roost area and enjoyed it a ton. Looking forward to using this website!
Hey, Juanathon Here...I'm at the foot of the Pinalenos in Graham County, AZ.
Looking forward to exploring the forums.
Hello fellow adventurers, I am like many of you, most happy when far away from home exploring all nature has to offer, I am not particularly skilled in any of my hobbies but love climbing ice, and rock, canyoneering, backpacking, exploring back roads by Jeep, and cold beverages around a camp fire! From the looks of the forum so far I am in the right place :) I look forward to being here.
Hello, everyone. I'm here in blustery Jackson, WY dreaming about hiking and biking in some desert sun. Actually, we're going to spend about 10 days in the Zion, Escalante, Bryce area on Friday which is how I found this forum. Never been to the area so these trip reports are great! If anyone feels inclined, I would love a suggestion of your top hikes in this region. Husband isn't really into backpacking but I can get him to do some 10-18 mile day hikes...thinking of doing the Little Death Hollow to Wolverine trip as described in Nick's TR. Thanks for all your reports and work on this site! Also, if anyone needs advice on hikes in the Tetons, Gros Ventres, or greater Jackson area I've done quite a few and would love to share. Looking forward to exploring Southern Utah and the TR's on this site!
Hello, I'm Charles me Charlie. I'm retired from prior careers in television broadcasting and consumer electronics manufacturing. About 25 years ago I rekindled my interest in landscape photography and since 2004 my wife and I have operated a gallery in the Coyote Gulch Art Village in Ivins, Utah, outside of St. George. My website is I've spent a lot of time backpacking and photographing southern Utah and have much left to see. I'm always up for a hike.
I am not particularly skilled in any of my hobbies but love climbing ice, and rock, canyoneering, backpacking, exploring back roads by Jeep, and cold beverages around a camp fire!

Haha! I feel the same way. Love to do a little of everything. I think that's the best approach, you never get too hung up on one thing! Welcome!
...thinking of doing the Little Death Hollow to Wolverine trip as described in Nick's TR. Thanks for all your reports and work on this site! Also, if anyone needs advice on hikes in the Tetons, Gros Ventres, or greater Jackson area I've done quite a few and would love to share. Looking forward to exploring Southern Utah and the TR's on this site!

That is a great one, especially right now with it likely being pretty dry in there. Although I think if I did it as a day hike I might consider just driving down Horse a ways and hiking up from the bottom, maybe car camp down there. The loop is definitely the best but man that's a long day hike!

I'm looking to spend some more time up in your neck of the woods, especially the Tetons. Looking forward to your insight & pics!

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