Album Night Shots and Star Trails

From last weekend just outside of Goblin Valley State Park along Wild Horse Road:

so did you adjust the blending layer on each shot?

I went at it a little different route. I uploaded the files into Lightroom. Adjusted the exposure to -5 on the first image. Adjust the exposure, contrast and highlights on the last picture to make the stars really bright. I then saved the metadata to file. I loaded all the files into LRTimelapse. LRTimelapse has a blending feature called "linear", all you do is hit the button and it takes all the images and gradually adjusts each image in sequence until there is a smooth linear transition from the first image to the last. I then saved the metadata to file. Went back into LR and read the metadata from file to update the files in LR. I then simply exported jpegs of those files and ran them through StarStax. This process seems a lot easier to me than having to adjust all the files/layers manually in PS. Total time(not including exporting the files from LR which takes the most time) was maybe 10 min.
I went at it a little different route. I uploaded the files into Lightroom. Adjusted the exposure to -5 on the first image. Adjust the exposure, contrast and highlights on the last picture to make the stars really bright. I then saved the metadata to file. I loaded all the files into LRTimelapse. LRTimelapse has a blending feature called "linear", all you do is hit the button and it takes all the images and gradually adjusts each image in sequence until there is a smooth linear transition from the first image to the last. I then saved the metadata to file. Went back into LR and read the metadata from file to update the files in LR. I then simply exported jpegs of those files and ran them through StarStax. This process seems a lot easier to me than having to adjust all the files/layers manually in PS. Total time(not including exporting the files from LR which takes the most time) was maybe 10 min.
You cheated!!!! LOL!

Note to self: Must get LR

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