Missing hiker in Uintas - Ray Humpherys

My point wasn't that he got lost because he was old. Just the opposite, that someone with his age and experience shouldn't have made such basic mistakes, thus why I commented it is such an odd situation. I think you are looking for offense where none is meant.
I think you're having a hard time understanding what I am saying. You state "Someone with his age and experience shouldn't have made such basic mistakes." Well he was mentally impaired at the time. That is why he did make those basic mistakes that you refer to.
I think you're having a hard time understanding what I am saying. You state "Someone with his age and experience shouldn't have made such basic mistakes." Well he was mentally impaired at the time. That is why he did make those basic mistakes that you refer to.

While it may certainly be true, those are just assumptions. All involved: let's stop the bickering please.
My apologies to you. I was commenting on a post that was directly under yours by andyjaggy (probably a response to your post) where he mentioned age and experience. It is actually quite easy to get lost when you are mentally impaired at all. I am a lot older than Mr Humphreys and I have been to every lake in the western uintas. About 5 years ago I got disoriented in a remote area of the Weber Drainage which I had been to at least 4 previous times. After taking a pill for an ailment I had at the time, I for the life of me could not remember terrain, landmarks or much of anything else. At the time I was heading back. So I just followed my compass and walked straight through the forest for a couple of hours in the rain knowing that I had to travel west. It was in late August and the days were getting shorter. I decided to call it quits about 5:00 pm and gathered firewood and built a fire on a high rock ledge with about a 400 drop off and an extremely good vista and waited for morning and more clarity. The temperature was in the upper 30's and the sky was clear. I only had a sweatshirt and the night lasted forever. The next morning I had a bite to eat and figured out where I thought I was on the quad map and where I thought needed to go. I started hiking and was back to where I needed to be to leave the area in about an hours time. My whole point is that it can happen to anyone regardless of age, experience or how many times you have been to an area.
No worries. I get a lot of flak from some folks on here for a certain subject I'm not gonna go into. Apology accepted. Honest mistake. Sounds like you knew what to do when you got lost. I'm glad you made it home safe!
A little off topic, but incidents like this are exactly why my kids never leave my sight when we are in areas like this. 2 years ago we were camping at 3 divide lakes and one of my buddy's made a "helicopter parent" dig at me for not letting my then 5 year old leave camp with the other kids unless I came along. But it is just so easy for someone to get lost out there, let alone a kid.
After what I've experienced, my kiddos never leave my sight. You are doing the right thing.
I also feel that if the head lamp and 2 gallon collapsible water bottle can be located, maybe more questions can b answered.

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