Learning Lightroom

i'm a purist - i only shoot film. sorry, but digital workflows are for sucks.
I'd be curious to hear how others prep images for the web. Most of the time I'd convert to sRGB and call it good, but it still isn't quite dialed in how I'd like. Does anyone use the soft proofing feature in version 4? I've played around with it a couple times. Guess I need to stop being lazy and start using it consistently in my workflow...
I haven't even bought LR yet, and still may not, but I'd be interested in attending this just the same.

My imac streams to my living room plasma with one click. It would make it easy to all sit around and watch it in detail. Who's in??
How you doing that? Air Parrot? I think it takes a very modern iMac, no? My three year old won't do it AFAIK.
Random thought.. I really benefited from having Tim come over and teach me Lightroom basics in person since I'm switching over from Aperture. Maybe sometime this winter we can do some local workshop type of BCP get togethers. Stream a computer onto the big screen and learn some tricks. I'm obviously not a Lightroom expert yet, but I know some folks around here who are. I'd be down to host one in the SLC area.

I'm in if I have the right equipment to join. What do I need?
I'm in if I'm able to make it down the day you pick!
Any mac running the latest OS in conjunction with a $95 Apple TV can do it in literally two clicks. Best part, you can just easily stream from your iPad & iPhone to it.

Dang, I checked for the fourth time since they announced this feature and was reminded that you do have to have a 2011 or newer iMac (and lappies) to get the correct intel Ivy-bridge chipset to support this. The mirroring requires the correct OS AND hardware. Reference. Maybe I need a new iMac !!!!
Dang, I checked for the fourth time since they announced this feature and was reminded that you do have to have a 2011 or newer iMac (and lappies) to get the correct intel Ivy-bridge chipset to support this. The mirroring requires the correct OS AND hardware. Reference. Maybe I need a new iMac !!!!

I pretty much only use it to stream from my iPad. It's nice to sit down on the couch with it and stream vimeo and youtube stuff from there. I might stream the mac more if I had a laptop though.
Yeah, I occasionally airplay from the ipad and iphone too. But for youTube and Vimeo I prefer to just use the apple tv apps for those. That way you aren't subject to the wireless foibles and stutters and stops that you are because of the connection from the iOS device to the apple tv. I just get better playback and usability from using the apple tv apps. On the apple tv I also use the connection to my iMac (over the wired network) to view pictures in my Aperture library. Works well but the interface sucks when you have 40K+ pictures plus you don't get any zoom or pointing functions. Do you view photos on your tv using appletv and if so, how?
I would love to get in on this. I have Lightroom 3, but my knowledge is limited. Everything I know has been learned by playing around with it. I'd love to learn some tricks from the masters.:)
I have been researching LR for sometime, including asking on this forum. There are just too many photographers that I know that use LR and I have heard mucho good things, so I decided to get it. It was seventy something dollars on Black Fri, on Amazon so I finally got it. I learned Photoshop mostly from Youtube tutorials, plenty of them amateur made. However, LR just didn't work that way for me. I had a hard time getting started. I got the Kelby training (Matt Kloskowski or something like that) disk and it helped me quite a bit. I am actually using it and NOW, after his training got me started, I can use and apply the tutorials on the Adobe site that they have.

I will say though that with my recent acquisition of Sony Vegas for video and then this one I have realized that I don't have the ability to jump software like you apparently do Nick. For me the time investment is so large into learning these that I need to make sure that I choose wisely because that time commitment has me locked into both of these. Even if someone were to give me Aperture or maybe Adobe Premiere for free, I would not use them. Too many valuable hours have gone into learning the former and I will be locked into those for some time; perhaps updating sometimes but not switching unless forced to.
HELP! I accidentally pushed something or other and now my Basic panel is gone. Anyone know how to get it back? My panel now consists of the adjustment tools, followed by the tone curve. No Basic panel and my Kelby book doesn't tell how to get it back. Help out there!!

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