Guess the spot

I'll help you guys out with this one since it's close to me :)

It's Cowboy Hat Tower in the Devils Canyon area of the McInnis Canyons NCA near Fruita. Those are the Book Cliffs in the background.

I don't have any photos to post, so anyone who wants to step in and continue the game....feel free :)
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yes....... too easy wasn't it.
When I first saw it I thought I recognized it because that spot in particular was a nice one. A great spot on a great hike.

Since I don't want to be too predictable...

Mt Timp 056.JPG
Timp of my Nose Gus....

And by the way, Scott. You can post Yellowstone full time. I love it! Perhaps another trip report?
And by the way, Scott. You can post Yellowstone full time. I love it! Perhaps another trip report?

I got to show I live in Utah sometimes. ;)

Goodness... a TR from my Yellowstone summer of two years ago. That'd be a fun trip down memory lane.

Oh and yes the picture is of Mt Timp.