Guess the spot

Drove through there last summer. Remember trout and carter (? I think) from the maps.


I'll be out of range again for 5-10 days tomorrow afternoon. Seems like a slow thread sometimes, hope that's ok.
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Glacier is the country's coolest National Park? With all due respect...NFW. Heeh heeh.

Every been to Moose Basin Dvide? Elder Brothers Caverns [caves]? Rimrock Lake? Coyote Lake? Climber the CMC route on Moran? Complete Exum? I'm guessing not. Heeh. heeh.

It's awesome when different opinions are both incredibly spectacular.
Have you been to Rimrock? I'm looking for beta. Got cliffed out on a previous attempt hiking up a draw off Open Canyon. Curious now if I can access it from Coyote or the Forget-Me-Nots. Maybe even combine Coyote, Rimrock, and Forget-Me-Nots in a 3-night trip with a summit of Prospectors?
Have you been to Rimrock? I'm looking for beta. Got cliffed out on a previous attempt hiking up a draw off Open Canyon. Curious now if I can access it from Coyote or the Forget-Me-Nots. Maybe even combine Coyote, Rimrock, and Forget-Me-Nots in a 3-night trip with a summit of Prospectors?
I climbed/scrambled Rimrock from Death Canyon more than 40 years ago. I was in peak physical condition at 16 and it kicked my posterior. I know there is a "route" DOWN to Rimrock from the summit of Prospectors but I've never even thought of doing that. You might cehck in with folks at the Climbers Ranch some evening if you're here.
If anyone wants to keep it going, take the reigns.
OK, I jumped on this without thought of those of you that are more deserving so some hints. Here is the first one:

Popular kind of Countertop.
I am standing in a Wilderness Area and the mountains in the photo are in the same Wilderness Area. Another photo from the same hike.024.JPG
The mentioned Wilderness Area is named for the mountain range it houses. This Wilderness Area was designated/created two decades after the Wilderness Act.
This is probably way off, but it kind of reminds me of the northern Bob, maybe around Running Owl Mountain.

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