Guess the spot

For some reason there were weed whackers and leaf blowers up City Creek, killing my Zen cycling experience. Alright @Outdoor_Fool, let's get after this. I'll tell you what it is not. It is not Cascade Lake, Wolf Lake, or Ice Lake. I'll leave Grebe in the mix, but only because I'm not sure what the lake looks like from campsite 4G5. I don't believe it is from any of the other three sites around the lake though. How am I doing so far? :) I don't believe it is any of the lakes in the northwest corner of the park either. Hmmm....................... My first guess is going to be Mallard Lake.
It also can't be Wapiti Lake because of that grassy area, and it is way too small to be Shoshone or Yellowstone (unless it's one of the arms, but I suspect not.) So I'll throw out Buffalo Lake.

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