Guess the spot

OK, a hint. It is in America and it is a lake. I'll take the peninsula name or the marina name or even the lake name.
I just realized I posted a satellite view in the Guess the Spot NOT maps edition. My bad. These are supposed to be our own photos. Apologies but I will give one more hint. One of the great lakes...
I will be seriously disappointed if this one gets no activity. The general place is one of the bigger names in the tag cloud on the home page after all.
Running with what others have said, Cirque of the Towers?
I'll take that O'Fool. But it is not the Cirque - It is the back side of the Circus as I call it. The non-Circus of the Towers. Shadow Lake is way down to the left in this view. That is Shark's Nose tower over Danny-boy's head with it's stupendous 5.9 classic route in view. Texas pass is way over the other side of the this whole lineup of towers in the far distance. New York pass is in between the photographer's eye and Texas Pass. It also crosses the divide but is more of a climber's pass than a backpacking pass.

This photo was taken on our ascent of Warrior II from the Donald Lake drainage.

Long version of you're up!
I'll bear this difficult and terrible burden to post another great place for you to guess...

Dear Becky and Merlin descending into ????? canyon... Which?

Ah yes that makes sense. How is new York pass?
Well, it was straightforward to climb up to and to climb the peak next to it. I have to pull out the climbing guide to remember which peak - it is not named on the USGS quads as many are not in the circus. But I remember that my wife and I went up and down with no incident though she is pretty "hardy". Course this was probably 15 years ago so the synapses have faded. I certainly remember it being 4th class or even less and it being steep-ish, trail-less and a little loose. Just your cup of tea.

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