Guess the spot

OK, this may take longer than I thought. I'm currently in S. Wyoming stuck in eclipse traffic. I'm walking around with the photo asking if anyone knows where it is, but so far no luck. I did have one guy who likes the photo and says he's going to skip the eclipse and go up to Yellowstone to look for it instead.

added later... Hey, this is great! I ran onto a van full of people going north to look for Fenn's treasure and they're now on this instead. That now makes about 11 of us!

Is it the Buffalo Plateau? The guy at the gas station I just stopped at in Rock Springs thinks so.
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OK, this may take longer than I thought. I'm currently in S. Wyoming stuck in eclipse traffic. I'm walking around with the photo asking if anyone knows where it is, but so far no luck. I did have one guy who likes the photo and says he's going to skip the eclipse and go up to Yellowstone to look for it instead.

added later... Hey, this is great! I ran onto a van full of people going north to look for Fenn's treasure and they're now on this instead. That now makes about 11 of us!

Is it the Buffalo Plateau? The guy at the gas station I just stopped at in Rock Springs thinks so.

Are you serious?? If so, that's funny. Someone may eventually recognize it.

Forget about Fenn's treasure, I already found it.

Buffalo Plateau is in the picture but not the answer.
I hope someone else guesses this so I can go home. :)

Actually, I mean go to FB so I can help you carry that heavy treasure chest, don't wanna hurt your back, you know.
He went home for the night. OK, on my way north. :)

I'll camp by Bondurant and be in the park by tomorrow. I'm posting your photo again since it's so far upthread, hoping someone will ID it.
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Now that the silly "Total Eclipse" hoopla is over, let's return to the really cool and important things, like Guess the Spot. I'll reveal the answer and post another photo if no one comes up with this by this evening (my time). :)
OK, I'm in Yellowstone and tried to find some rangers to ask, but they're all down in Teton NP trying to help manage the eclipse crowds. The one guy I did ask said he doesn't think it's in the park, but I later saw him drive off in a car with Alaska plates. Come to think of it, he looked a little like you...

Clear Lake/Ribbon Lake area?
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I just met a guy from the NatGeo trails maps research division and he says Howard Eaton, whatever that means.

If nothing else, this is getting me out and about and over my fear of talking to complete strangers who look slightly deranged from being in the outback too long. (Actually, those are more like my human cohort.)
It's hard, but I have to solve this or die, cause I made a few bets I shouldn't have. Grebe Lake?

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