Guess the spot

Spoiler alert, I Googled it. Not sure if this qualifies as a win. Never heard of it but very interesting.

The Los Lunes Decalogue Stone in New Mexico, also called "Inscription Rock" or "Mystery Rock", found in the arroyo passageway leading to the summit of Hidden Mountain, contains a precise rendering of the Ten Commandments in an old Hebrew script.
Spoiler alert, I Googled it. Not sure if this qualifies as a win. Never heard of it but very interesting.

The Los Lunes Decalogue Stone in New Mexico, also called "Inscription Rock" or "Mystery Rock", found in the arroyo passageway leading to the summit of Hidden Mountain, contains a precise rendering of the Ten Commandments in an old Hebrew script.

Yep you got it. Here's another link with some backstory if anyone is interested in reading up on this anomaly. Might mention also if anyone visits, there are also some cool petroglyphs and ruins elsewhere on Hidden Mountain.

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