Guess the spot

Toroweap, GC
lava falls?
Exactly, Benito. Pic taken from two days out on the Tuckup trail out by Big Point.

BCP'ers take a moment to consider that our @River is floating up TO Lava Falls rapid on Monday in a pack raft of all things. This is the big kahuna of all the rapids on the Grand Canyon float.

Eric. Please, Please, PLEASE! get out of the pack raft and off the red river before Lava or something bad might happen...

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Wow wow wow! I can't believe how long it held onto that thing! I guess that's how @ben cowan was finding beers along the shore.
Exactly.... I hope Eric is taking his SPOT so we can retrieve some of his stuff but probably not his beers since he will be on day 3 of a backpack.
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@Henk , you are king of guess the spot. i'll have to dig even deeper next time. you're up.

i walked three days from Seattle to get there.
Just put in mountains and i'm nowhere, but if the weather is cooperative we plan to go all the way up to Idaho, Oregon and Washington this year to get better at it!
Lava Falls?

... Until my phone loaded and I realized that was a long time ago....

No idea on the new pic
@Henk , have you been to the Snoqualmie Tunnel, or do you just have a magical knowledge of places?
Henk , have you been to the Snoqualmie Tunnel, or do you just have a magical knowledge of places?

@ben cowan. Ben, when i woke up yesterday morning i saw that i missed two easy "desert pictures".
We have driven/camped the White Rim 3 times and actually hiked to and around the base of Moses & Zeus.
We also have camped 2 times at Toroweap so that one wouldn't have been difficult either.
We have been on 23 Southwest vacations (at least parttime) so i have been to and know many places.
The Southwest has become a sort of hobby for me, i have always done a lot of research before going.
When i see an interesting picture and i would like to go to that place i start searching the internet.

When i saw your picture i didn't have a clue, i have never been in Washington State!

First i guessed a likely area, you are from Idaho so : somewhere Northwest.
Google: with "tunnel Idaho" or Oregon or Washington no success, mostly pictures of new tunnels.
Since it looked a pretty old thing i tried the same with "historic tunnel Idaho" etc. again no success.
Third try "abandoned tunnel Idaho" etc. and bingo! there your picture came up, all within 10 minutes!

So nothing Magic but just the same tactics i always try to locate stuff i would like to visit during our vacations, is doesn't work always that well, but enough to make it worth trying.
Now you know part of my "secret", use what you see in the picure + the extra clue: CRATER!
When i see an interesting picture and i would like to go to that place i start searching ...
Now you know part of my "secret", use what you see ...

Hey @Henk that is exactly how i've traveled to many of the great places I have visited. The difference is that you and @Michael do it from the eurozone 10 million miles away! Such is the power of the internet.
I was thinking that trail looked like one I've hiked in Hawaii but the flora looks just not quite right. The clouds could be over the beach and ocean from my visit.
Art when you use the suggested "recipee" together with an "ingredient" from the picture and the extra clue, you should be able to crack it!
Since @ben cowan triggered this conversation i give him some time before i put in a further clue, but there is no lake or sea directly under the clouds.

The internet is, apart from my library (especially Kelsey!), (local) friends, etc. still a tremendous source!
Fortunately it's only a 10k roundtrip from Amsterdam to LV, otherwise i would never have made it!

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