Guess the spot: Utah Edition

I haven't spend a lot of time in the swell. It kind of looks like what I remember Bell Canyon to look like, but I really don't know.
I haven't spend a lot of time in the swell. It kind of looks like what I remember Bell Canyon to look like, but I really don't know.
Not Bell either, but your guesses are moving in the right direction, warm. We did a loop, but used two cars to shorten the loop with a few road miles.
Maybe you did a Chute/Crack canyon loop, I'll guess Crack Canyon.

We did do that loop- went down Crack, across the connecting unnamed side wash (first photo), then up Chute (second photo is at the south end of Chute). The photos are from the least recognizable areas.

I was looking for the name of the loop - you are up @Pukwudgie !
Woohoo. It looks like a lovely spot. Here is another
I took this as a recon photo. Do you see the entry/exit? I don't.
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Hint: One author says "There is only one way to get into this canyon , and it is a bear."

For two days now I have been looking at Fence and Cow canyons in Google Earth- it looked right.
The books have been on my table for 2 days, but canyoneering is way out of my league.
But indeed.... Steve Allen in Canyoneering 3 says" There is only one way to get into Cow and Fence canyons and it's a bear" ;)

So it's Cow canyon ?
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For two days now I have been looking at Fence and Cow canyons in Google Earth- it looked right.
The books have been on my table for 2 days, but canyoneering is way out of my league.
But indeed.... Steve Allen in Canyoneering 3 says" There is only one way to get into Cow and Fence canyons and it's a bear" ;)

So it's Cow canyon ?
You’re up! Here’s what Allen says about this route. Sounds spicy. I didn’t attempt it as I was solo, but I’d like to. Rumor has it there is a 400’ set of Moki steps in Cow canyon. 7ADA467D-B58C-40BC-89E3-3F8232E0E2DC.jpeg
I might have to bow out of the guessing game. Despite literally thousands of photos I'm running out of ideas for ones that are not immediately obvious, and can't remember if I've posted some of them previously. How about this one?
IMGP0374 copy 2.jpg
It looks very Green River'ish, maybe Trin Alcove Bend or Tenmile (after solar shower and happy hour I see :)

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