Guess the spot: Utah Edition

Yes we were. Can you tell the story of your sighting?

It was 1993. There were six of us sleeping on tarps. My wife and I and our two sons on one and Chuck and Moya on another a short distance away. I was sitting up and saw something walking maybe 20 yards away from our vehicles. I didn't get a real good look. I went back to sleep. In the morning Moya mentioned that she saw a rather large cat walk through. She had a better vantage point. We investigated and found tracks. Some were made over our footprints in the dirt from the previous day. I don't remember the moon phase but there had to have been some moon to be able to see anything out there. This was at Wildcat Flat probably 200 yards east of the highway. We joked about seeing a cat when we set up camp.

Not all that spectacular. Not nearly as exciting as seeing a wolverine on Elk Ridge road near the head of Salt Creek in 2010.
It was 1993. There were six of us sleeping on tarps. My wife and I and our two sons on one and Chuck and Moya on another a short distance away. I was sitting up and saw something walking maybe 20 yards away from our vehicles. I didn't get a real good look. I went back to sleep. In the morning Moya mentioned that she saw a rather large cat walk through. She had a better vantage point. We investigated and found tracks. Some were made over our footprints in the dirt from the previous day. I don't remember the moon phase but there had to have been some moon to be able to see anything out there. This was at Wildcat Flat probably 200 yards east of the highway. We joked about seeing a cat when we set up camp.

Not all that spectacular. Not nearly as exciting as seeing a wolverine on Elk Ridge road near the head of Salt Creek in 2010.

Cool. What a treat! Were the paw prints bigger than the width of the adult foot prints? Wolverine! You saw a wolverine on Elk Ridge! That is an even rarer sighting than a puma. Near the head? Near Cathedral Butte? Do tell! ...although we should probably be chatting this up in the wildlife thread instead of clogging up the drain here.
Cool. What a treat! Were the paw prints bigger than the width of the adult foot prints? Wolverine! You saw a wolverine on Elk Ridge! That is an even rarer sighting than a puma. Near the head? Near Cathedral Butte? Do tell! ...although we should probably be chatting this up in the wildlife thread instead of clogging up the drain here.

After 25 years, not sure but I remember they were large. This wasn't a bobcat. My wife saw one of those in Joshua Tree. We made fun of her until she showed us the prints in the dust on the hood of our Blazer.

I had spent the night at Arch Canyon and was heading to Big Pocket Overlook. After North Point road you descend a bit and then head south. Then the road seems to turn to the east. It was in that stretch while still in the trees that I thought I was seeing a bear cub crossing the road. Cub because of the small size, 30-40 pounds. As I got closer and noticed that it was very mangy and not a young animal. When I was within 20 feet it looked at me and at that point I knew that it wasn't a bear. One quick look and it was gone. I got home and googled pics of wolverine. That was it. I regret that that was the only time I had ever driven that road alone. No witnesses. The whole thing happened in probably 5 seconds.

I'm not sure how to move this to wildlife but if you can, go ahead.
@Artemus, can you post another one? I have to go to Macdonald's/library for internet. Shouldn't have guessed, but you know how that goes. :)
No problem, you can't help yourself. When you know something, you know something...:cool:
I will post one for you.
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Although happy to believe I have this correct. Sad that I am stuck at home between soccer games on a nice, crisp day.

but I cannot quite tell if you are on north or south... Broadsfork (aka Twin Peaks)

Can I ask what year was this? the valley no longer looks like this....
Although happy to believe I have this correct. Sad that I am stuck at home between soccer games on a nice, crisp day.

but I cannot quite tell if you are on north or south... Broadsfork (aka Twin Peaks)

Can I ask what year was this? the valley no longer looks like this....
Yes sir, you can. It was taken July 16, 2006 from the summit of the northeast Twin Peaks of the Wasatch looking south. You are right about that - our valley no longer looks like it did.

Challenge us!
Yes sir, you can. It was taken July 16, 2006 from the summit of the northeast Twin Peaks of the Wasatch looking south. You are right about that - our valley no longer looks like it did.

Challenge us!

Changing. Changing.

Alright, How about this one? to keep with the theme of the author being in the photo... My pose is a hint.
Sorry, maybe obscure... haha, we need a beam me up peak...

I am singing in a meadow.
The farther peak is a prominent Wasatch peak.
Maybe Timpanogas from an obscure angle?

It's on Timp and the peak is up behind me. Box Elder is in the background.
And reading my clue I didn't specify what to guess. Must have been distracted...

This is on the Great Western trail on the knees of Timp.

It is Julie Andrew's meadow.

Take it on! @Artemus
Is that really a thing?

Haha, not made up just for guess the obscure spot... yep. It is FS signed and everything from the Timponoeke trailheadJA Panorama.jpg .
Took my son when he was 3 there for his first backpack overnighter.

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