Guess the spot: Utah Edition

Here's the response riddle to @Ugly :

Here we are halfway up a 'peak' with a very short name on the USGS 7.5 quad.

Or, what's the canyoneer's name for the fun, low-tech slot above Skotti's ears?

I don't know the peak but that looks like Scar Tissue down there. Spent a lovely few days in this area last spring! I walked an old mining track up to not far below where you're standing here, but couldn't see any routes up from the DD, maybe you approached from the other direction?
ok just checked the maps.. Hog?? Never noticed that before. I would be interested to know how you got there.
Nice! Hog and Scar Tissue!

It was two different trips: For ST we paddled the river and stopped to hike up the canyon.

Hog we (almost) climbed on a backpack in the North Wash canyons coming up from 95 via a route near lower Marinus Canyon
That was an easy one @desertvic :)

Name the canyon. Spur of the moment hike after a morning spent in the Google Earth rabbit hole.

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For anyone new to playing Guess the Spot : Utah Edition :)

Simple rules: correctly guess the location of the current photo and when you win, post a new photo for others to guess.
Make sure to use the @ tagging feature when someone wins so they don't forget about the thread.
The additional rule: spots must be within the borders of Utah. Page 1 of this thread.

Next up: following animal trails trying to reach the white sandstone layer in which canyon? We are NOT in the most known fork.
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"The most known fork" hint throws me. I feel like maybe I have insider info on this? Can I put us in the area with a guess of E Fk. Virgin River? Only canyon with multiple forks in the area of vermillion cliffs I can think of.

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