Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Happy Goose Valley?
This basin is one of the most remote areas in the country (lower 48), and it shares its name with a famous athlete.
I guess I could have tried to block out the words. But I'm at the Park City outlet mall while my wife and daughter I'm bored and this is what you get.
Chamberlin Ranch Airstrip in the Frank Church, Idaho....... Map is pretty fuzzy for me. Actually flew in there many many years ago on a fire.
Yep. Chamberlain Basin. Only way in is hike, float the salmon or fly.
There's also a Chamberlain Basin in the White Clouds
OH, BTW I want to go there :)
Here are the coordinates if you want to see it closer:
45° 22' 45" N
115° 11' 48" W

It would be an epic trip to take a flight there and hike/fish around there for a week or so.
That's bucket list item!
What's this 'fly in' ........ We hike to places around here, It's only 31 miles from the end of the road. :confused:

Art, actually been there years ago, just knew where it was in relation to the river.
Been trying to keep things fairly easy but will try for a hard one.

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