Guess the spot: Maps Edition

There was a beautiful aerial photo of this NM feature in a National Geographic several years back. If anyone knows the picture I'm talking about please let me know, I haven't been able to find it. Thanks!

Kanab Creek and White Tower? I don't know what the canyon name is.... I'm going off a topo map.
One of these days I'm going to hike out to the end of this bad boy. The isthmus is only about 12' wide with sheer drop-offs on either side.
You got it.

- JG

Jamal, I looked at your epic trip report (the really epic one) and i see that your route took you up that Kanab Creek area.... what was the country like? It's hard to tell from Google Maps... but it looks interesting. Thanks.
Jamal, I looked at your epic trip report (the really epic one) and i see that your route took you up that Kanab Creek area.... what was the country like? It's hard to tell from Google Maps... but it looks interesting. Thanks.

I've actually done it twice. Once it had running water the whole way with several large pools, the other time it was bone dry. It's an ok area -- but I think the best of it is probably up the side canyons. Didn't see one other person either time I was there.

I found your spot -- I'll let someone else have a shot first though. It looks like it would be one heck of a hike across that neck!

- JG
Mexican Bend under Mexican Mtn and the backcountry (active) air strip. Nope. I am wrong. Too high....
Here are a couple of hints. It's a canyon with a creek of the same name running through it. The canyon is gated at both ends, and a permit is required to enter.

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