Free Stickers!

Lots of stickers heading to the post office today. If anyone else wants some, send me a PM ASAP and I'll get them out with this batch.

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Hey Nick,
I've requested some stickers before and need a reload. I really like the green, but I REALLY like the cairn sans words. Maybe some of each? :)
I'm pretty sure I have some green left. And I have a bunch of just the Cairn in silver gray and white. Shoot me your address again and I'll send some out to you.
I'm pretty sure I have some green left. And I have a bunch of just the Cairn in silver gray and white. Shoot me your address again and I'll send some out to you.
How do I 'shoot' you my address? Start a conversation with you? I forgot how to PM.
I just sent out a rather large shipment of stickers today. I usually try to get them out every month or two, but once again I slacked off and let it slide for a bit longer. If anyone else would like some, I have the sticker cutter, envelopes and stamps all sitting here ready to go. Just send me a PM and I'll get some right out. If you have a special request for some die-cut vinyl (color, size style), let me know. If you sent a request since July, they are on the way. :)
Another big batch of stickers going out tomorrow. If you already sent me a request in October, they are on the way. If you want some (or some more), send me a message ASAP with your address and they will be in the mail tomorrow.
Are you still offering the stickers? I want one!
I'm firing up the vinyl cutter to make some white, grey and black vinyl die cut stickers. I'll probably just do horizontal logos around 10" wide and some standalone cairns. If anyone has any requests, let me know. Totally free as usual and you can have pretty much all you want. If you already requested stickers within the last month or so, I'll send those when I'm done cutting up this new batch.
I'm firing up the vinyl cutter to make some white, grey and black vinyl die cut stickers. I'll probably just do horizontal logos around 10" wide and some standalone cairns. If anyone has any requests, let me know. Totally free as usual and you can have pretty much all you want. If you already requested stickers within the last month or so, I'll send those when I'm done cutting up this new batch.

I'll take some more stickers!

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