First Solo Backpack


Dec 2, 2013
I've decided to finally stop being a wuss and try my first solo backpack this summer. I love company in the backcountry, but sometimes it's just hard to find people who are willing to go, when you can go, and go where you want to go. I feel like I am missing too many opportunities by not being willing to go solo.

So that said, and this being my virgin solo trip, I want to do something rather tame. I have a couple of ideas, but would appreciate any comments.

1)Ruth lake area. I figure it's highly traveled, close to the road, and I can maybe go off into the trees and have a little privacy, but still know that other are close by.

2)Ibantik Lake. I guess this one doesn't scare me too much since it's in the lower more accessible reaches of the Uintas. Close to fairly high use areas, though I'm not sure how much usage the actual lake gets. It also looks gorgeous.

3)Amethyst Basin. A pretty spot I've been meaning to get back to for years now. From what I recall it's a heavy use area, so I won't be totally alone.

4)Allsop Lake. This is the one I really want to hit up, but am a bit scared that it's a lot more out of the way than the others, but it still seems like it receives moderate usage, and there would be a good chance I wouldn't be completely alone.
Those are all great options. I'd also throw Ryder Lake in there as a suggestion. Allsop is probably the least trafficked of the places you mentioned, but I doubt you'd be all alone out there, so if that's where you really want to go, you should do it. Going solo feels a little scary the first time, but your first successful trip will give you some confidence. Just make sure someone knows where you're going and when to expect you back, and have fun!
Thanks for the encouragement. I think I might start off with the Ruth Lake area, and then when my wife can see that going solo is not an instant death sentence, maybe try one of the others. After all a summer with only one backpacking trip is no summer at all. ;)
The Ruth Lake area is an excellent choice. Lots of people around and close enough you could practically crawl out if you had to. I'd suggest picking up a Spot as well. You'll probably never need it, but it provides a little peace of mind for you and anyone at home wondering if things are okay.
Thanks Nick, I agree, I think the Ruth area will be really nice for my first time. How busy is it around Cutthroat? I was thinking maybe cut across country from Ruth lake to Cutthroat, or take the Lofty Lake Loop to Cutthroat and spend the night there. It looks like there are some great views across the basin and towards Hayden peak from the Cutthroat/Teal lake area.

I may have to pick up a spot to give my wife some peace of mind. We are going to be staying at the cabins at Christmas Meadows for a few days in mid July, I am hoping after she sees the area she won't worry quite so much.
I was at Allsop last year as well as Ibantik. We had the lakes to ourselves at night but saw day hikers/riders each day.

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