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jeez just about every single sentence of that story is aggravating.

somehow the fools burning the old mining buildings bothers me the most. i can understand people dont know about fragile tundra etc (not much of an excuse IMO, but still I can understand), but you gotta be pretty dense to see an old mining building and think its a good idea to go after it for firewood.
My brother took shelter in one of those old mining buildings up there during high winds one autumn night after climbing Golden Horn.
well, this was again a super late notice.
But today I got my to-go notice that my trip to Yellowstone which is starting on Friday is finally happening. I guess tomorrow I just toss stuff in my car and then leave on Friday with hopefully everything I need.
Looking forward to seeing pictures when you get back
well, this was again a super late notice.
But today I got my to-go notice that my trip to Yellowstone which is starting on Friday is finally happening. I guess tomorrow I just toss stuff in my car and then leave on Friday with hopefully everything I need.
Good deal! Can you bring some snow with you?
Here's what happens in the first mile of the Narrows when no Park Ranger's are patrolling it for months:
I mentioned this before, but in the fall I did a few off-trail hikes on the E Rim and there was an insane amount of beverage containers, TP, and associated biowaste, in canyons next to the Canyon Overlook trailhead overflow parking. There are trash cans and a bathroom less than 0.1 mile away, and yet people couldn't be bothered to use them.
Here's what happens in the first mile of the Narrows when no Park Ranger's are patrolling it for months:
And that is why I don’t like giving away or advertising specifics on the locations we have wandered into. Why do it for any reason? It’s all about exploring and discovering and not following the boot prints of others, getting away. There are tons of amazing places that are not on the radar, good to keep it that way.
And that is why I don’t like giving away or advertising specifics on the locations we have wandered into. Why do it for any reason? It’s all about exploring and discovering and not following the boot prints of others, getting away. There are tons of amazing places that are not on the radar, good to keep it that way.
If you have the time that's great....which a lot of people do not. It's not the majority of people doing it either. ... Most asking on a bping site probly doesn't vandalize
If you have the time that's great....which a lot of people do not. It's not the majority of people doing it either. ... Most asking on a bping site probly doesn't vandalize

Theoretically everyone has the same amount of time. I don’t micro manage for others.

I agree that this is a safe group and would consider dark exchanges in some instances. But there are hordes that scour the internet for this type of info and Instagram it to every lazy cousin out there. Not cool and dangerous for the wilderness environs. You have said as much in the past yourself.
Theoretically everyone has the same amount of time. I don’t micro manage for others.

I agree that this is a safe group and would consider dark exchanges in some instances. But there are hordes that scour the internet for this type of info and Instagram it to every lazy cousin out there. Not cool and dangerous for the wilderness environs. You have said as much in the past yourself.
True everyone had same amount of time. Some have to or want to work more for how they live in life or how they want their family to live. Or how they want to live when they get old. It's not micromanaging it's life. They don't have the options to spend weeks wandering and looking.... Yes more stupid people out and about strains the wilds and stuff some do there is no excuse of their behavior... but it shows how what the world is teaching then..... Nothing. .... Private viewing places is not what public lands are about however. I will give out spots if someone asks... I only state areas online if they are known and can be found. Each his own.
If you have the time that's great....which a lot of people do not. It's not the majority of people doing it either. ... Most asking on a bping site probly doesn't vandalize
It's not the people who are active participants here that we need to worry about. It's those that google a subject, find the post detailing it's location and never post, but got what they wanted and head out - those are the people that are concerning. And even then, I'd like to believe it's still a vast minority that's causing many of these issues.
And better quit trip reports with all the nice photos as well....... They add way more people pressure to the outdoors
We were told recently by someone in Kanab and in reference to the wave permits that Trump is considering opening up the public lands even more. We were told this with specific reference to the wave permits being increased to the tune of from 20 (currently) to as many as 96. Announcement expected in September or October.
P.S. This is NOT intended to be an endorsement of one side or the other, just reporting information from a reliable source that lives in the Kanab area and is involved with wave safety patrols.
Looks like it's official.....64 permits per day to Coyote Buttes North (The Wave) starting in February:
Looks like it's official.....64 permits per day to Coyote Buttes North (The Wave) starting in February:
That's not the choice I would have made based on what I have seen in the safety patrols there. Too many people don't know what they are doing and the number of people or groups we have walked out are more than they should be, especially during the hot summer months. There are so many reasons why people are unprepared but most come down to faulty communication on someone's part. As a teacher, I daily see how this happens where either I or the student or both don't correctly communicate with each other to get the help or explanation that's needed.

@Jackson, based on my experience, Randy (@IntrepidXJ) is correct. It will feel crowded by and in the wave. But I think, while the wave is cool and definitely a great thing to see, I like some of the other spots in the permit zone at least the same (and probably more so once more people are in and immediately around the wave).

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