Album Campsites

Alabama Hills, CA

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I'll start with one of my favorite kinds of campsites: Prairie in Nebraska:

A frigid camp at Jasper Lake in the Beartooths:

Just another Titcomb Basin area camp

One back in Nebraska, along the Missouri River:

No tent in view, but from one of my favorite and more "civilized" (have to pay for it) campsites on the bluffs along the Missouri

One more and I'll quit... Elbow Lake area in the Winds
Not going to give up my spot by name, but it's not too hard to find. Grab a map and look for public land. There are lots of WMAs in Nebraska and you can camp in them, the catch is that you can't have open fires unless there happen to be designated fire rings at them. The ones with campgrounds are usually very quiet in the off season, allowing for some nice car camping, and if you hunt around a bit you can find some that do not have campsites but offer nice spots to those willing to forgo a campfire and hike a short distance (often maybe only half a mile). It's nothing like real wilderness, but for a quick overnight to clear your head there are some good spots without a ton of driving in eastern Nebraska. Be aware also that during hunting seasons you're going to be sharing the land with hunters.

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