Album Campsites

car camping at Muley Point


Car camping at the top of the Kelly Grade along the Smokey Mountain Road.

view of camp:


view over the edge from camp:


both of these were taken when all of the haze was around from the Idaho fires in September.
and here is a backcountry one so you don't think i just car camp ;)
in the Upper Gulch in the Escalante Canyons
(sorry there is not an establishing background but we ended up discovering that there was an archeologically sensitive area nearby & decided it best not to reveal the location)

makeshift wind block. my first backpacking trip IMGP3868.jpg
Dance Hall Rock Camp


Do developed campgrounds count, too? That's all we have in NY State...
Very, very cool.

What Greg said!

Thanks. During the 9 trips that I did in the Sahara I have always slept just under the stars and I loved it.

If you are interested in pictures of the last trip that I did in Sahara (South Algeria / Tadrart) you can see them here .
You will see sand dunes and touaregs but also canyons, washes, slickrock, arches and rock art.

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