Album Campsites

This is not a good thread to look at after two weeks of sitting in basically one position and no end in sight. Great pics though.. :cry:
Along the Colorado.

I love it!
Greg, what stretch of the river(s) in or near Utah would you suggest would be a good, first time ocean kayak overnighter for a noob with a rented boat?
Ruby - Horsethief

Good idea Randy. I canoed it last year too. The black rocks camp spot sure is special as well and featured in this thread. I might do that - but am shopping another route for something new.
There's always the Gunnison River from Escalante to Bridgeport or Whitewater, too.

Not sure about camping on the Green River daily stretch?
Nice pictures. Looking at these I realize how rarely I take pictures of my camp.

Here are a couple, though.

This is from our first winter backpacking trip in Colorado about 11 or 12 years ago. My wife is laughing uncontrollably from the prospect of sleeping on top of the snow after it gets dark at 5 pm. Tennesseans just aren't used to that much snow.


And this is from this past summer in the Weminuche Wilderness in Colorado, overlooking the Rincon La Osa valley.

Thank you Scott. Rock art is also nice in Sahara and it is surprising to see panels with elephants and giraffes in a so dry and mineral landscape.

i think that might be proof that climate change has always been with us & that cattle are a major cause of desertification.
those animals once roamed there. it would be amazing to see all of the wonders which are buried under that sea of sand dunes.
Hovver Lake Camp (640x480).jpg
Hoover Lake
I had just purchased a new tent as we were heading out of town. When we got to camp and I went to set up the new tent no poles were included with it. Luckily I still had my old ground cloth and some parachute cord to rig this up. And It rained all night But I stayed dry.

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