Album Byways & Backways

Gotta do one more. It's blacktop, but very narrow and traverses some nice Sandhills country.


Well sir, you talk about this place all the time and post great pics of your backyard like this one. Would you be comfortable sharing your farm's location? In general or a specific map/placemark link. Whatever you are comfortable with.
Well sir, you talk about this place all the time and post great pics of your backyard like this one. Would you be comfortable sharing your farm's location? In general or a specific map/placemark link. Whatever you are comfortable with.

That particular photo was taken in the central part of the state, this little blacktop road is called brownlee road. I range all over the state in my wanderings, usually in the northern half though. I live near Jackson Nebraska currently. Not a lot of public land, but there is some, and because I'm a local I do get on some private land from time to time. There's a bit more public land in the central and western part of the state but it's nothing like what you have in, say, the mountain West states.

It takes a bit of a different mindset to appreciate open prairie and farmground, but there are some good spots here.

If anybody ever has occasion to pass through the state, I can do my best to direct you off the scenic wasteland of I-80 to something a bit better.
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If anybody ever has occasion to pass through the state, I can do my best to direct you off the scenic wasteland of I-80 to something a bit better.

That reminds me of the Charles Kuralt quote from many years ago.

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything.

Nothing like leaving the Interstates to really see America.
Last summer I drove back roads of Nebraska to get to Agate Fossil Beds. There was grass from hither to yon, and I felt so relaxed, just looking at it. After I visited the park, I headed toward home in Wyoming, and it didn't take long before I ws driving through horizon to horizon dust, rocks and sage. I lost that comfortable feeling. I'm from Iowa, and I like to see lush fields, I was surprised at how my subconscious reacted to all that nice Nebraska grass. Thanks for those pictures.
What a great thread! Gorgeous stuff.

These pis might not show the roads where they were taken but they're all from roadsides. I m fortunate to have family with an awesome Guest Ranch near Dubois, WY. In the Wind River Ranger District of the world's first National Forest, there are some truly awesome back roads.

Looking North at the Absaroka from Union Pass in July a few years ago.

Absaroka From Union.jpg

Virgin Lake on the Burrroughs Creek Loop Road.

Absaroka Virgin Lake.jpg

The Absaroka from the road to the three lakes and Glacier Trailhead of the Northeastern Wind River Range.

Absaroka From CM CONTRAST.jpg

Brooks Lake from the road to the Bonneville Pass Trailhead.

Brook Lake From Bonneville Raod.jpg

The Pinnacle Buttes from the Bridge over Brooks Lake Creek to the Pinnacles Campground.

Brooks Lake Pinnacles June 2003.jpg

Double Cabin.

Double Cabin Cathedral.jpg

Double Cabin Peaks.jpg

Near the 5 Pockets Trailhead.

Absaroka June Near 5 Pockets Trailhead.jpg

Double Cabin

Double Cabin Norton Point.jpg

Double Cabin Wiggins.jpg

The Gos Ventre from Union Pass road.

Gros Ventre From Union July 2010.jpg
Absaroka Teteon Wilderness Sunrise.jpg
Above is the Teton Wilderness from the road to Lilly and Leidy Lakes in the Bridger-Teton National Forest
The Ramshorn from Town of Dubois Overlook.

Absaroka Overlook 091214.jpg

Gros Ventre from Union Pass road.
Gros Ventre From Union 2.jpg

Winds from Union Pass Road in Bridger-Teton National Forest.

Winds From Union Pass Dos.jpg

Winds from East Fork Divide Road

Winds From Castle Rock Road July 2010.jpg
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