Art in the Parks

Yes, they are. :( It's part of why the parks won't share info on where some petroglyph/pictograph sites are, because some people are massive jerks. Many of the comments under the post about it on the park's FB page are, as usual, illuminating. :confused: I do agree more signage should perhaps be posted about *why* adding one's graffiti to ancient sites is a bad idea. With the enormous influx of visitation the past several years, more and more people who just don't get it are visiting these places. Sometimes, they need in-your-face education.

I was just there the other day and stopped to take a pic of the affected site. From my photo you can't really see the graffiti anymore, they already may have attended to it somewhat. But I wasn't as close up as the vantage point from the released photo.
you can photoshop that instead of actually doing it.
Yes, and I could photoshop a unicorn coming out of my ass, but I wouldn't put it past some idiots to climb that thing.

About ten years ago Dean Potter did just that and caught hell for it. But then he did one too many base jumps...

seems like some dumbass lit fires around the arch to photograph it some years ago too.

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