Another Hike in the Adirondacks 5/13/20


Mar 31, 2016
Today we took a hike to Puffer Pond in the Central Adirondacks, 4.7 miles r/t. Sunny and cool (mid-40s) with some breezes at the “pond”.

Some of the trees near the “pod” were starting to bud out but for the most part it’ll be a couple weeks before things really start greening up. There was some snow in the shadows from last night’s brief snowfall. We watched an osprey fly along the length of the “pond”. The lean-to was in decent shape so it‘s probably not on the list for replacement any time soon (there is a volunteer group that builds replacement lean-tos ... Lean2Rescue).
We didn’t see anyone during our hike. Great day for social isolation!!

Are the black flies out in force yet?

There were some buzzing around a one of the larger creek crossings but they weren’t biting. It’s supposed to get warmer over the next few days so I would imagine they’ll be out in force soon.