5.7 mag Earthquake in Salt Lake City Area - Check in Here to Let Us Know You're Okay

Very much so. We're making preparations and my truck and camper are strategically parked out front in case it becomes needed. So when do the tornados and/or swarms of locusts start?
Crazy times. Just wait for the massive hail to go with the locusts.
Disrupted all of my kids getting ready to do their new home schooling was all. Some coworkers in Magna though are a bit more disrupted and had shelves fall down and such.

Hope the rest of you are safe.

There was a pretty big and deadly tornado out in Tennessee recently wasn't there? Locusts are already swarming in devastating masses across the mideast and parts of Africa.
Glad everyone up north is ok. @scatman hope you find your kitty soon.

I was in the Bay Area during the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake; even with that magnitude the damage was very spotty. We still had bio lab on campus that evening.
It was rattling the pots and pans up in Box Elder county. Nothing too crazy a bit of shaking and felt like I was on a sailboat for a few seconds.
Very much so. We're making preparations and my truck and camper are strategically parked out front in case it becomes needed. So when do the tornados and/or swarms of locusts start?
Brimstone, Nick. We already skipped all that. :)

Stay safe.
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I was in the Bay Area during the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake; even with that magnitude the damage was very spotty. We still had bio lab on campus that evening.

My sense is that a 6.9 would do a whole lot more damage here, though, because the unreinforced masonry hasn't been given periodic shake tests like it had in parts of CA -- those multi-story URMs that you see plenty of between downtown and the university will all just come down. Also people just don't pay attention to this danger here. When I last bought a house, I noticed that earthquake survivability is not priced into houses in SLC (meaning you can get this feature for free if you pay a bit of attention).
I wish I would have felt it down South, but we never get the exciting stuff down there.
Glad everyone is okay.
I rode through 60,000+ earthquakes in 2018 in Hawai'i, and every day we had at least one 5.4 and up. You get really used to it after a week or two. And when it stopped it was weird as something was missing. At one point we had a magnitude 3.2 and higher every 2-3 minutes
My sense is that a 6.9 would do a whole lot more damage here, though, because the unreinforced masonry hasn't been given periodic shake tests like it had in parts of CA -- those multi-story URMs that you see plenty of between downtown and the university will all just come down. Also people just don't pay attention to this danger here. When I last bought a house, I noticed that earthquake survivability is not priced into houses in SLC (meaning you can get this feature for free if you pay a bit of attention).

I went through the 6.9 earthquake in 2018 in Hawai'i. We did not get a lot of damage because the traditional Hawaiian houses are wood houses on post and pier and just sway tremendously. That's what my traditional Hawaiian house did and I could barely hold on to anything during these 25 seconds because my house swayed so much. All the new houses in Hilo with concrete slabs got some damage, but the traditional houses, who are used to a lot of earthquakes just go with the seismic waves.

Fun thing was I could feel the P-waves arrive and my house squeaked like crazy before the S-waves and surface waves came. The craziest thing was my 10,000-gallon water catchment tank. It was sloshing back and forth for about 40 minutes
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Glad everyone up north is ok. @scatman hope you find your kitty soon.

I was in the Bay Area during the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake; even with that magnitude the damage was very spotty. We still had bio lab on campus that evening.
it just depends o what soil the structures are built and how many building codes for earthquake safety are in place. Older brick buildings usually get a lot of damage as they are not built to earthquake codes and upgrades
Only had a pop noise at my house... Cats went full attention... No movement.....In North Ogden.
I was on the 6th floor of the Federal Building downtown when it hit. Man did we shake! They have closed the building and sent us home after numerous aftershocks - not sure when they plan to reopen. Other than that everything is okay in the Aves, though it did shake some items off of our counters and I can't find one of my cats. :(
Hope you find your kitty! Hopefully, it just got spooked and is hiding.
I was on the 6th floor of the Federal Building downtown when it hit. Man did we shake! They have closed the building and sent us home after numerous aftershocks - not sure when they plan to reopen. Other than that everything is okay in the Aves, though it did shake some items off of our counters and I can't find one of my cats. :(

Any luck finding your cat? One of mine was terrified for hours but she's a-okay now.
Thanks everyone for your concern about our cat. I finally found her yesterday afternoon underneath our futon. She would not come out until after dark though. She sleeps on my wife's pillow right by her head, and she slept there last night, but this morning after a mild aftershock, she has returned to hiding, but not underneath the futon this time. I'll see if I can find her again later. Funny, my other two cats don't seem to mind the tremors at all.

Asheville, our scaredy cat. :)
Any luck finding your cat? One of mine was terrified for hours but she's a-okay now.

Here is a video of cats reacting 10 seconds before we notice an earthquake (note Japan, has an early warning earthquake alert/warning, possible the cats heard that- but the scared reaction is easy to see).
@scatman - the kitties are very creative finding new hiding spots, glad you found her, you will find her again!

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Thanks everyone for your concern about our cat. I finally found her yesterday afternoon underneath our futon. She would not come out until after dark though. She sleeps on my wife's pillow right by her head, and she slept there last night, but this morning after a mild aftershock, she has returned to hiding, but not underneath the futon this time. I'll see if I can find her again later. Funny, my other two cats don't seem to mind the tremors at all.
Thanks everyone for your concern about our cat. I finally found her yesterday afternoon underneath our futon. She would not come out until after dark though. She sleeps on my wife's pillow right by her head, and she slept there last night, but this morning after a mild aftershock, she has returned to hiding, but not underneath the futon this time. I'll see if I can find her again later. Funny, my other two cats don't seem to mind the tremors at all.

View attachment 87283
Asheville, our scaredy cat. :)
If she were a male, you could call her "Catman".

Glad all you folks and felines in Utah are alright.
It woke me up in Logan. 4th floor of an older building and a bouncy bed so makes sense based on the MMI (modified mercalli intesnity) rating they gave for the area. My friend was at a hotel in magna a mile from the epicenter, it was their first major earthquake. they had no damage but scared the *bleep* out of them and they were super freaked.

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