2016-2017 Snowpack

I'm hiking the PCT in 2017 so I'm keeping an eye on CA, OR and WA. Oregon has been getting it hard so far - very big dumps, early in the season. California not quite so much, it's currently about two-thirds of average for this time of year in the Sierra, which is similar to or just a little below last year's levels. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out over the next 3/4 months....
Those numbers are about to go way up too. We should see another 18" or more along the Wasatch over the next week. If January is even an average month we'll be sitting pretty in Utah.
My type of winter, the mountains are getting hammered, and the valleys, or at least where I live, are staying nice and mostly free of snow.
Does anyone have a link that shows the depth of the snow in various areas in the Uintas?
Spring is a long way off..... can get a lot more or not so much...... enjoy while its here!
California is getting or about to get dumped on. Liquid and frozen.

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