2015 Mountain Backpacking - Disappointment and Opportunity


Looks like the biggest discrepancy has only come recently and snow water equivalent isn't too bad. A big snow storm may catch it up I will keep the spread sheet saved for comparison as we go. (Trial Lake Snotel data used)
Maybe so......more of a game I think by the WS.. Last week in Canyonlands 70s and 30s.....late April weather. Henry's white but not solid. Blue's are almost bare. LaSals are white but streaky rock and thin.

I think there is a good chance you could get pretty close to the top of Dark Canyon...no snow at all around Bears Ears....
Yeah the eye test is pretty shocking, looking outside at Lone Peak and Timp and the snow line is crazy high.

I found this interesting as well. 15 day moving average for this year vs last. What stands out to me is it looks like there was only 1 day this year below zero, also since the new year temperatures have not been in the single digits. Sorry I am a finance major so I kind of geek out over charts and stats. :geek: (also from Traial Lake Snotel)

Does this mean 3 season tents can be used 355 days a year in the Uintas?
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When comparing to last year remember we, or at least I, was out in the high mountains and on the north rim of GCNP much earlier than normal too. In the high mountains last year and much more so this year the mid-elevations are dry, dry, dry in the Uintas, Wasatch, north rim and others.
Maybe winter isn't over yet....


Well above normal temperatures will continue across the area this weekend, with dry conditions and mostly sunny skies throughout. A fast moving storm system will surge a cold front through the area Monday dropping temperatures some 15 to 20 degrees, but only to near normal values through Tuesday. Light mountain snow looks likely, with a slight chance of mixed rain and snow showers across the northern valleys…mainly with the cold frontal passage Monday.

went skiing here last night, they had a stream running through the base there.
My garlic has started growing again, some is now 9 inches high. The nectarine tree is budding, grass is starting to turn green in a few spots, and I'm going to plant some peas this weekend. Crazy stuff.
Went on the usual daily hike a bit ago. Catkins on the aspens at 6000'. Not going to be pretty if it does go back below zero.
Sorry I am at it again!


Blue line = 10 day average of this years winter

Red line = 10 day average of previous 5 winters combined

On average this year has been 4.25 degrees warmer then the previous 5 year average. Pretty significant, I wish I had time to use more then one snotel site. Would definitely prove a much more telling story, one site is not very scientific but interesting none the less. Still have some winter ahead so we'll see if these trends continue.
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At least a global warming is better than a global cooling.
For this mountain backpacker, maybe. For a moose, or a subalpine fir.. not so much. :( But we may as well enjoy it and go high. Early.
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Wow. I was worrying because I planned a trip into Red Castle mid June and thought it might be a bit early, it looks like I won't have any problems.
If the current trend continues I don't think you'll have issues. Maybe some snow drifts here and there.

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