Zion to Capitol Reef Hike

I watched the big vid when I saw it come out on youtube. Really great stuff man. Your editing, and overall commentary are getting better with each trip. I love watching these trips. The scope and size is really admirable.

Thanks, Dan. It definitely felt good this year to return to a longer point-to-point trip. The rain somewhat limited/hindered my shot selection, but in the end I guess I had enough footage. (Also lost a few shots due to wind noise and focus issues with the new camera!)

Great stuff Jamal. On a hike that long do you carry a whole bunch of maps, or just rely on GPS. I also wondered about your food cache as it didn't look like you hung it - how do you stop mice and rats and other scavengers getting at it. What's it wrapped in

Thanks. I carry one overview map like the National Geographic Trails Illustrated for areas covered and then also custom print my own detail maps via TOPO! software. I cache the maps, so that I only have about a week's worth at a time. I also carry a GPS which I don't really use for navigation, but it definitely helps for quick route reference/confirmation. It also lets me log GPS coordinates for all points of interest for future reference. I also just recently started carrying a smart phone. Among other purposes, I use it to browse previously downloaded SAT imagery for my current vicinity.

RE: caches... I don't want to add another link to the video, but at about 26:45 in the longer video there is a little bit more detail on my cache system. To summarize: I try to put them in a tree if possible, but often that's not an option. If it's a spot that I know I'll be back to, I use plastic buckets with duct taped tops. BUT, more often that not, I just use white shipping bags (double bagged) wrapped in a paper bag. The outer shell is just to make it blend into the environment. The inner plastic shipping bags protect all the goodies from the elements. Big knock on wood, but I've never had a cache be disturbed by animals. I used to sprinkle cayenne pepper on my caches -- but that just made a mess. I haven't done that for many years and still have never had a problem. Using this system everything breaks down and I don't have to go back to cache site at the end of the trip. I just need to find a trash can along the way if possible or burn paper products where allowed.

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