Winter Storm In the Narrows

awesome. Did the temps require any special gear? What clothing (pants, socks, shoes specifically) did you wear to make it bearable? Did you all have wetsuits?

Drysuits work a lot better in these conditions. Can be rented at several places in Springdale, along with 5mm neo socks and the Canyoneer shoes.
It takes some mad preparation. But I'm game @Miss Buffalo to head down there and see the Subway. Basically the only way you'll ever get to see it to yourself.


Yes, it takes considerable preparation, and even from the bottom in winter CAN be quite a serious endeavor.

On the other hand, it is easy to have the Subway to yourself in the shoulder seasons, or on weekdays, or with a slightly off-kilter schedule. Since we usually start with Das Boot, we end up coming into the Subway section 2 hours later than "the crowds", and have it to ourselves about 50% of the time.

Yes, the Subway is 'crowded' on weekend days in the summer, in the middle of the afternoon. But, to not-quote Twain, reports of the Subway's crowdedness have been somewhat exaggerated.


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